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I can't believe this is happening. I have a prep team now and lord are they fashionistas! "Lots and lots of makeup!" Jenna exclaimed. "No, no thank you!" I smiled. "Gorgeous dress!!!!" Tiffany held up a really pretty dress. "For my dance performance! But not for singing. Thank you Tif!" She nodded. Sara was a quiet girl working on my hair, it was in a twisted bun. It looked gorgeous. Honey Lemon knocked on the door. "Can we come in?!?" I laughed. "Yes!" The team plus Aunt Cass came in. They were wearing Country outfits. I laughed. "Cute outfits!" "Just wait it gets better." Gogo said in sarcasm. Oh no. The boys lifted up their shirts and my name was written on their stomachs. I face palmed. "Really?" "Kai Smith your on in five." The guy said through my Bluetooth. The Bluetooth is hooked up to my ear so I know what's going on and to make sure my voice is on pitch. I pressed the button. "Got it. Be there in two." "Well gotta go guys." "Bye Kai!" "Break a leg!" "Can't wait!" "You'll do great!" "Bye sweetie! Love Ya!" Everyone left except for Hiro. I smiled and walked to him. I put my arms around his neck and he put his hands on my waist. Our noses were touching. "Hey you." "Hey." "You nervous?" "No-well kinda-okay yes." "Why?" "Because the girl I admire the most and is my idol is sitting out there. What will she think of me?" "She'll love you." "Are you sure?" "Affirmative." He put a red rose in my hair. "You look beautiful, Kai." I blushed. "Thank you Cowboy." I tipped his hat. He smiled. "Bye Kai, love you. Break a leg!" He smirked. "Bye Potato, I love you too! Thank you!" He left. Tiffany came over and fangirled. "You two are so cute!!!" And so on and so forth. "Kai! Your on in two!!" Shoot!!!!!! I pressed the button. "Coming!" I ran down the hallways to the stage. I did my voice warm ups same with my body stretches quickly. The curtains opened. I was performing All I Want For Christmas Is You. I had on a holiday dress with leggings and a combat boots. I kept on the rose Hiro gave me. I walked on stage as Carry Underwood and Brad Bitt announced me. Oh man their so amazing! The dancers were spread out and I was in the middle with my guitar. I played the song while fire was flaming smoke was smoking confetti was being thrown everywhere. Dancers were dancing. I couldn't stop looking at my Idol. Taylor Swift. She was smiling and she mouthed I love you. She loves me. SHE LOVES ME!!!!! I finished the song, but clumsy me. I fell. But I made it a rolly Polly! Wohoo I'm amazballs! I walked off stage proudly. I was engulfed by a pair of arms for what I couldn't breathe. I didn't wear my breathing tank so it was hard to breathe. It was Blake! I screamed into his chest and squirmed. "Kai Kai Kai KAIYA! It's okay! It's just me! It's Hiro!"
Kai did amazing! I loved the thing she did at the end! It was amazing! We all went backstage to see her. As soon as she walked off stage Honey Lemon ran to her and hugged her. She started screaming and scrambling. I ran over and took Kaiya into a hug. "Kai Kai Kai KAIYA! It's okay! It's just me! It's Hiro!" I said. She stopped and just hugged me. "Sorry, guys." She apologized. "It's okay! We understand!" "Yeah, it's going to take a lifetime to forget." "Yeah like Katniss and the hunger games!" "But it's okay!" "Thanks guy-" Kai was cut off by Aunt Cass running to us. "THATS MY FAMILY!!!" She hugged us. Then everybody got in the hug. Somebody tapped on Kai's shoulder she turned around to see, Taylor Swift. Kai's face was blank. "I love you." Was all she said. Taylor hugged her and said "I love you too!" While laughing. "Your so amazing! Your so pretty! And just oh your so perfect!" She hugged Taylor again. Tay hugged back. THERES A LOT OF HUGING!!! They talked and after a while it was small talk. Honestly it was adorable. Taylor taught her some songs on the guitar and Kai did the same. It was like best friends the second they met. TIME SKIP TO AFTER THE PERFORMANCES!!!!!!!!
Kai was so tiered. We were going out to eat to celebrate this occasion. She put on glasses and Tadashi's hat. On the way there she kept on falling asleep but perking back up when she hit my lap or Fred's. Then she would say random things. Like: Yup that's a RECOLA!, Five nights at Freddie's is a scary game, I like pie, EBOLA!, did u see that? It's called a mashed banana. We finally reached the restaurant. We made a turn to park and she fell to the other side of the car and said "love me?" As she went fell over me. We all laughed. I carried her inside. We sat down at a booth so she could sleep. "Hello, I'm Katie. Welcome to Golden Wei, can I start you folks off with something to-" "AND AT LAST I SEE THE LIGHT!!!" I pushed Kai's head down. "Kai!" I said in between the laughs. Everyone ordered their drinks. "I want to know what's going on in her brain. She concerns me sometimes." I started. "IMM A ROCK STARRRRR!!!!" "Shhhhh!!!!" We all said in sync. This is going to be a long dinner.

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