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Wow... There was so many people here! Lots of different skills and passions! "Wow...." I said is awe while looking at the breath taking views. "Hiro I can't believe you go to school here!!!" "Well your coming here too." "YES I KNOW!" I squealed. Everyone stared at me. My eyes went wide. "Hiro... You can't shout in places like this.. I'm so sorry for my friend.. Just go back to business everyone." "Seriously?!?" "Yeah...." We laughed together. After I met my dance, musical, and nursing teacher Hiro asked if he could take me outside. "Sure!" We went outside on this balcony like thing and just looked at all the busy people. "It's so beautiful..." I said in awe. "I know you are." Wait what?!?!
"It's so beautiful..." I thought in my head 'I know you are.' She blushed. Oh wait... Did I say that out loud?!?! Oh gosh.... "Thank you, your not too bad yourself you know;)" She winked. I smiled. "C-c-can I a-" I was cut off by an alarm. We looked at SFIT in flames. "Tadashi is still inside." I said in fear. I looked at Kai who's face was in fear. She took of to the building. I looked for Tadashi frantically. Kai asked a woman where he was and said he was in there saving Professor Calleighan. Kai looked at me and ran up the steps into the building. "KAI NO!" I screamed. She can't go inside. She can't. I can't loose her. She looked at the building then at me. She grabbed my face and kissed me. She kissed me.... She's kissing me?!? I cupped her tear stained face. "I love you Hiro. Forever and always and until infinity runs out." She said. "I love you too." I cried. She ran away and into the building. I can't just let her go in there! I was about to run inside when the building blew up. I landed roughly on the ground. "Kai? Kai?! KAI?!?" I screamed. I found her with glass cut inside of her body. She was burned. "Kai?!?!?" I picked her up into my lap. "Kai..." I cried. "I-I-I love y-you." She coughed. "I love you to please don't close your eyes. Your the bestest friend I've ever had. I love you so much. Your so amazing and perfectly good at everything. Please don't close your eyes!" "Never.." She coughed. She handed me Tadashi's hat with her favorite necklace. It read "I believe we have a choice in this world on how to tell sad stories. On the one hand you can sugarcode it. When nothing's to messed up that can't be fixed with the apology of a Peter Gabriel song. I liked that version as much as the next girl does. It's just not the truth. This is the truth. Sorry.-The Fault In Our Stars." The necklace smelt like her. I heard an ambulance came. "Don't touch her!" I screamed at the pediatrics taking her in the ambulance. "I need to go with!" Just then Honey Lemon put aha d on my shoulder. "Hiro... She'll be okay." I heard people talking about her injuries and how bad they were. I didn't know what to believe. "Wasabi? Take me to the hospital." I demanded.

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