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It was way later that night. Disney had come over. She got kicked out of her house so she will be staying with Ashton. We all snuggled up in my room and brought the projector down and started to watch Paranormal Activity 2. Everyone had fallen asleep. Disney is Ashton's arms and I in Hiro's. I gently slipped away and put a pillow in my place. I silently walked up the stairs. I opened and closed the door. Yes! Now I'm out. I walked over to the door. I slid my converse on, grabbed my coat, slid it on, and was ready to go. I was about to walk until someone pulled my hood back. Oh no, "H- Disney?" I whispered. "Where on earth are you going?" She threw her hands up in exasperation. "To the..." She raised her eyebrows. "The...?" "To the store!"
"What store would be open at midnight?!?"
"Jack n the box?" I tried.
"Not buying it kiddo. Tell me where your going. I won't tell."
"Fine. I'm going down to the police station to see Blake. I need some answers to my questions. If I don't go, I'll loose my mind!" "Well your not going alone, I'm coming with." What? Gah! I can't push her away so might as well let her come.
"Fine. But no word about this to Aunt Cass or Hiro or Ashton. Got it?"
"You betcha." We walked out the door only to find it pouring down rain. You've got to be kidding me. All my hair was in my face and I couldn't see a thing. Disney had her hood on when she brushed my hair out of my face and out my hood on. We walked down to the police station witch took FOREVER! We just talked and talked about things. We reached the place where I would get my answers. I breathed in and out. "Alright. Let's go." We walked in the boring place. There was an elder lady in there with a lot of blankets. "Oh darlings! You must be freezing your socks off!" She wrapped the blankets around us. "Thank you kindly mam." I spoke. "You have such manners!" Disney teased and the strange elderly walked off, and sat back down in her seat. "Can you wait here? I wanna go alone." Disney nodded. I walked up to the man in the front desk. "Hello Sir." "Hello. How may I help you?" "Can I visit-or talk to Blake?" "There's plenty of Blakes in this place kid." I face palmed. "Right. He got arrested for assault and it was recent." "Ah yes. The psychopath. Okay down the hall and it'll be your third left. He'll be waiting in there. Be safe." "Thanks." I did as he said. This place scares me. I feel unsafe. I opened the door that has the "psychopath" in it. There was sells amongst sells. Wrong place! I ran out of that room. I tried the room across it, this was the right one. Not very safe, because he was standing there in handcuffs, nobody else besides the two of us. "Hey sis." "Don't "hey sis" me you liar!" I screamed. "Whoa. Calm down. You figure it out yet?" "Obviously. Why are you doing this? Why me?!?"
"Your parents caused me to loose the ones that I love because they had to focus on you. So I'm killing off your loved ones. And one of your friends have decided to help me kill your boyfriend, what's his name? Zero?" He mocked. "Leave Hiro out of this! Who is helping you?" I growled.
"Luke." Luke? Why is he...? Oh my gosh. No freaking way.
"Luke? W-why?" I asked, not knowing my emotion.
"He loved you. But you don't love him back." This is so stupid. I can't control myself anymore. I pinned him against the wall. "Listen here mister! You can hurt me or anyone all you want. But there is no way your getting out of this alive. Because if we burn, you burn with us. Got it? And if you lay a finger on any of my loved ones, fire will be catching. Not on us, but on you." He laughed. "What if you die? Then who will protect your loved ones? Hm? You'll die then they will be left to suffer. Just imagine all your loved people dead." He continued talking about the image. I covered my ears and was screaming stop. Tears running down my face. Face flushed with anger. I can't handle it anymore. I went to punch him with my-oh man! I punched him with my broken arm. He coughs it though and twisted it around, a sickening crack happened. He pulled me up to his face and said. "You might wanna check on Hiro." He dropped me and the police came in and took him away leaving me on the ground.
"Mam is the girl who came on for Blake your daughter or sister?" A cop asked. "Yes." No not really. "We need you now." We ran down the hallway to where she's at. She was on the ground curled up in a ball holding her broken arm and crying. I picked her up. A police came over. Take her to the hospital now. Her arm is fractured. When it's already broken." I rushed out the door. We didn't have a car so I traced down a car. A pretty girl a little younger then me, possibly 16 pulled over. "Where do you need to go?" She asked as I got in the backseat of her VW Passat. "The nearest hospital pronto." She drove as quick as she could without breaking the law. I told her what happened. "Almost there. And by the way, the names Cindy." "Hi Cindy, I'm Disney, and this is Kai." "THE Kai?" "Yeah." "Coolio!" "We're here. I'll wait out here for your ride home." "Gotcha." I walked out of the car and into the rain. I walked into the emergency section and told the nurse what had happened. She took Kai and told me to wait out here. Cindy came inside and sat by me. We talked. But really I'm nervous. Kai came out none less then an hour with no cast but just a wrap, it looked like a cast. I hugged her. She had a nose thingy in her nose. "Again?" I asked. "Again. BUT! Only for the night so Ashton and Hiro or Aunt Cass won't see." "Yeah, but I dunno it's pretty early in the morning." Hiro gets up early. Oh no. "Well w-what time is it?" I stumbled. "About 2:59 okay now 3 am." "We gotta get home!" She grabbed my hand and I grabbed her oxygen tank. Cindy followed after paying. I feel bad, um if anyone asks I didn't see her do that. We got in the car and Cindy started driving the same speed we were before. We got to the Lucky Cat Cafe. She quietly opened up the door. She quickly shut it. "Okay Ashton is up, and so is Hi-OOO!" She was pulled into the cafe and I followed. "What happened to you?!?" Hiro flustered. "I was playing out in the rain, and then I fell." "Bullcrap." Ashton stormed. "Disney, where were you guys?" Kai looked at me with pleading eyes. Sorry is what I mouthed to her. "At the police station." "You were seeing Blake weren't you Kai?" Ashton raged. "Yes but, I know why he is doing this-" "Unbelievable! We are trying to keep you safe! And what do you do? You go out and get yourself in trouble!" Hiro angered. "I'm sorry! But at least I got answers! I know how to keep you guys safe!" She tried. Hiro took her by the arm and lead her to her room. Ashton looked at me. "Are you alright?" He asked. "I'm fine. You shouldn't be mad at her! She's only a young teenager. She can't help curiosity!" "Curiosity killed the cat! She could get hurt!" "So? I was right there! Please just calm down." "Fine. But next time I won't let it slide."
"Are you trying to get yourself killed?" "No." "Then what were you doing?!?" "Trying to save my family's lives!" "What'd he say?" "Hm?" "What did Blake say?" "He said Luke is working with him to kill you. But....." I told him everything. He looked at me with concern. "Never again." "You can't control me." "So? I can keep you safe can't I?!?" "Yeah, but you don't have to be over protective!" "You don't have to keep things away from me!" I saddened. "I won't." "Good." I hugged him like it was he who was injured not I. "I love you so much Hiro." I cried. He finally hugged back. "I love you too. Just don't be stupid again." I smiled. "Why does everyone keep saying that." He smiled and I looked into his eyes. He looked into mind as if he was looking into my soul. We smiled. I hugged him again. I can lay here. Yes I can. Just stay here forever and forget about the world. Only if. But life isn't a fairytale, but we can surely love like it is. And that's what I'll do.

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