Chapter 2: Havoc Of A Debut

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James was boosting Brooke's confidence for her debut match against Kayden Carter.

James: It's your debut Brooke, do hope you win it.
Brooke: James, you know me for a long time, of course I will win.
James: We'll just have to wait and see.

Then UE approached them.

Adam: Hey guys, how are you?
James: Doing fine Mr NXT champion.
Brooke: I am having my debut match tonight in the kick off of NXT.
Roderick: That's great, I wanna see how you perform.
Bobby: And I saw who your facing, and it's against Kayden Carter.
Kyle: Should be easy... You wouldn't break a sweat.
Brooke: Aww, thanks for the compliments guys.
Kyle: It ain't a problem.

He Blushes a bit and the others laughed at him.

Kyle: Not funny, of course we'll cheer her on cause she's one of Adam's old friends back at NJPW.
James: He does make a good point.
Adam: Do you have anything tonight?
James: Just to come out first and introduce my partner to the NXT universe.
Roderick: And to be honest your mic skills are impressive.
Bobby: Couldn't agree more.
Brooke: We have to go, see ya fellas.

She winked and the two left, Kyle was blushing hardly right now and Roderick noticed this.

Roderick: Kyle, you alright?
Kyle: ... Yeah, yeah... Totally fine...
Bobby: Then why are you blushing?
Kyle: I don't know what your talking about?

Adam Grabs his phone and snaps a picture of Kyle.

Kyle: Hey!

The Panama Playboy showed the picture of Kyle blushing.

Adam: Now do I make a good point.
Kyle: No! Delete it now!
Roderick: We will... If you tell us why are you blushing.
Kyle: Not in a million years, Roddy!

He pouts.

Bobby: Is it because of Brooke?
Kyle: That's bogus, she might be dating or something.
Adam: Well if you don't tell us then this pic is going to Twitter and Social Media.
Kyle: Alright. Alright. Yes it is because of Brooke... I have a crush on her...

Bobby put a hand on his friend's shoulder.

Bobby: It's fine man, we won't tell her.
Kyle: Promise?
Adam: We never lie to each other, do we?

"At the arena"

Kayden made her entrance and she was waiting for her opponent tonight but a theme hit.

Out came James Fatality, the crowd and Kayden were a bit confused. He had a mic and spoke.

James: Hello NXT universe.

The crowd cheered.

James: Tonight, you will witness a great match, but first Kayden. Just to warn that the woman your facing will create havoc.

She raided a eyebrow.

James: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Brooke Havoc!

The arena popped.

Out came the Savage Chick. She cracked her knuckles and looked at James and he nodded to her and she made her entrance to the ring and he left the arena.


Rhea was at catering watching Brooke's debut, then a few moments later James made it and sat on a chair and looked forward to the match. Upon seeing him, Rhea instantly blushed.

Rhea's mind: Oh crap, he's here.

James noticed Rhea and he waved at her and she waved back and got up to chat with him.

Rhea: So your the new guy James Fatality, huh.
James: Yup, the real name is James McField.
Rhea:It's a pleasure to meet you, I am Demi Bennet but in the WWE I am Rhea Ripley and I am the current NXT women's champion.
James: That's nice, I heard about you from Brooke and speaking of her I am watching her match right now. Wanna join in?
Rhea: Sure, why not.

She sat in another stool and eyed James who was watching the TV and then so did she.

"At the arena"

Brooke was dominating the match. Kayden tried to do a Springboard Moonsault but Brooke dodged it and grabbed her and did Pain is Necessary and then climbed the ropes for a Last Flight and pinned her and the bell rang.

Announcer: Here is your winner... Brooke Havoc!!!

She got up and the ref raised her hand in the air in victory.

"At catering"

James: Yes, she won!
Rhea: She's good, look like to face her some day.
James: Trust me, Brooke never messes around. I gotta go congratulate her, it was fancy meeting you Rhea. Bye.

He winked at her and left her as she was blushing madly.

Rhea's mind: That guy is totally hot.
James' mins: She seems nice though. Now gotta go find Brooke.

"At UE's side."

Bobby: Hey Kyle, your girl won.
Kyle: She's not my girl... For now...

UE chuckled.

Roderick: Seriously, when are you going after her?
Kyle: Soon enough. All I need is patience.
Adam: He has a point. And we'll help you bag the fish

"At the gorilla"

James: Nice perfomance Brooke.
Brooke: Thanks, my adventures on NXT are just getting started.
James: Just met with Rhea Ripley, the girl you met last week.
Brooke: And?
James: She seems nice... And smoking...
Brooke: What was that?
James: Nothing. Nothing at all.
Brooke: Alright then, let's head out.
James: Okay.

The two then left to pack up they're stuff and leave.

OK guys, this was chapter 2. The next update is soon.

Peace out!

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