Chapter 5: Green With Envy

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James and Brooke were backstage in the gorilla as she was preparing for her match against Chelsea Green.

James: You got this Brooke, I know you can win against Chelsea.
Brooke: I know, I believe I can beat that corny bitch.
James: Yeah you will, also watch out for Robert Stone. He could try and interfere.
Brooke: I am capable of beating up men too. Like Tessa Blanchard does so.
James: Good for you.

Then Kyle O'Reilly of the UE came to them.

Kyle: Hey guys, just wanna drop in and say hi.
James: Well good day to you Kyle. I have to go to the rest room, I'll see you at catering.

He left and Kyle and Brooke were alone.

Kyle: So... Good luck on the match.
Brooke: Thank you, out of all members of the UE I kinda like your constant support.
Kyle: No problem, it's just I find you interesting and you look hot.

This made Brooke blush.

Brooke: Thanks, never heard that from a guy before.
Kyle: Well now you do.
Brooke: Oh, your such a good all Kyle.

She playfully ruffle his hair.

Brooke: I'll see you after the match.
Kyle: Wait, how about tomorrow we go out?
Brooke: Like a date?
Kyle: Something like that, but we'll work it out.
Brooke: Alright, I accept the invitation. What time?
Kyle: How about quarter past 10 am.
Brooke: Deal. I have to go now.

She winked at him and left for he arena. Kyle stood there with a huge blush on his face.

Kyle's mind: Man I love her.

"James' side"

James got out of the male's restroom and he accidentally into Rhea.

James: Hey.
Rhea: Hey... How are you?
James: I am doing fine to be honest. Just went to escort Brooke to her match up hyping her up and then Kyle came in and I left the two
Rhea: Oooh, they might be up to something.
James: They might be. Anything up lately, champ?
Rhea: Well this champ has to worry about Bianca Belair at Takeover Portland.
James: Oh snap, she's good but I think you can take her.
Rhea: Thanks, strong words coming from a big guy.
James: You know size doesn't always matter.
Rhea: Well truth is... I like big men.

This made James blush madly.

James: Ummm, thanks.
Rhea: Your welcome.

Then Kyle came walked to James.

Kyle: Hey James, let's go to catering and watch Brooke's match.
James: Sure.
Rhea: Oh and James, I've been meaning to ask you something?
James: Sure.
Rhea: Would you like to go out and have some fun, just the two of us.

This made Kyle chuckle a bit.

James: Yeah sure, how about on Friday we can go and have fun.
Rhea: Great, I'll tell you what we will be doing. See you on Friday, big guy.

She patted his shoulder and left.

Kyle: She has feelings dude.
James: Wanna bet?
Kyle: I ain't betting, when I bet something I always lose.
James: Good choice, because if you lost then I get to chop your chest like how WALTER did that to you back at Worlds Collide.
Kyle: Wait you saw that?
James: You must've mistaken me for someone dumb?
Kyle: Nope, anyways let's go.

They left to catering.

"At the arena"

The entrances were made and the bell rang.

"Match Highlights"

Chelsea was lying on the ground which meant that Brooke dominated, she then grabbed her but Chelsea escaped and did a LA Magistra and pinned her but she kicked out. Chelsea then dragged Brooke by her hair and smashed her head on the turnbuckle twice before putting her foot on her back and does a Surfboard Curb Stomp and pins her again but she kicks out again. Chelsea was getting frustrated and launched Brooke to the other corner and went for a Running Clothesline but Brooke dodged it by sliding through the middle rope and then landed a Enziguiri to Chelsea and she did a Springboard Cutter and pinned her but Robert Stone who was outside the ring put her leg on the ropes and the count was broken.

"At catering"

James: Oh, he shoudn't have done that.
Kyle: Why?
James: Just sit tight and watch, okay?
Kyle: Alright then.
James: By the way, where are Adam and the rest of UE?
Kyle: They asked for day offs for them to have some time with the ladies.
James: Cool. Don't you have a girlfriend?
Kyle: I don't, but I plan on getting one very soon.

He smiled a bit and James laughed it off.

"At the arena"

Brooke rolled out of the ring and she eyed Robert with a death stare and then she pounced on him and grabbed him for a Sweaty Sleep and he was desperate to be saved. The referee was counting for Brooke and a few second passed and she released Robert who was out of breath but still conscious.

"End of the match"

Chelsea grabbed Brooke for an Uprettier and pinned her but the Savage Chuck kicked out. At this point, Chelsea has reached her peak of frustration and tried to do Uprettier once more but Brooke got out of it and grabbed Chelsea and began slamming her on the mat multiple times before grabbing her for Pain is Necessary and pinned Chelsea and the bell rang.

Announcer: Here's your winner... Brooke Havoc!!!

She rolled out and was leaving, but not before eyeing Chelsea on the ring laying flat and Robert got inside to check on her.


James: And yet she continues to dominate.
Kyle: She gave Robert the Kirifuda Clutch and she done it like Shayna Baszler.
James: She likes to call that move "Sweaty Sleep" because she likes to put people to sleep.
Kyle: Good to know.

Then Brooke came in.

Brooke: Hey guys.
James: Nice match, Brooke. You squashed Green like it was nothing.
Kyle: Ummm... What he said.

They all laughed.

Kyle: Alright guys I have to go. Oh and Brooke see you tomorrow.

He smiled as he left.

James: What did he ask you?
Brooke: Tomorrow, me and Kyle are going out.
James: Like a date?
Brooke: It's not a date, we're just hanging out.
James: Anyways, Rhea asked me the same for Friday.
Brooke: Cool. Would like to know what it is that you two will be doing.
James: You wish.

They laughed.

OK guys, this is chapter 5. The next update is soon.

Peace out!

Love of brutality and idiotism (Rhea Ripley and Kyle O'Reilly x OC's) Where stories live. Discover now