Chapter 15: The war begins

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James was with the UE.

Adam: Hey dude, we heard about your feud with Damian Priest and it's hell on loose right now.
James: Tell me about it, I heard that fucker has some words to say about me tonight.
Roderick: Whatever it is, don't let your guard down because I've known him back in my days at ROH.
Bobby: He's one tricky weasel.
James: Roddy I never let my guard down and plus that guy is up for a one time opportunity ass whooping.
Kyle: That's the spirit my mand, now go kick his ass.
James: I will.

He left as they watched on and then Rhea and Brooke came to them.

Rhea: Encouraging my baby, eh mates?
Adam: As the longest reigning NXT champion on this division it's my job to encourage a friend of mine, no matter the cost.
Brooke: Yeah, well James likes friends that can encourage him.
Kyle: Like me?
Brooke: Like you Kylie.

She ruffled his hair and everyone laughed.

Brooke: I just got some news that in the NXT women's title opportunity ladder match that I am apart of it and it says that I get to challenge the NXT women's champion after Takeover Tampa.
Roderick: Well it seems like Rhea also has to worry about herself after Takover and at Mania.
Rhea: I can handle Charlotte just don't jinx it, Roddy.

They then turned to the TV screen watching the promo.

"At the arena"

Damian was on the ring with a mic on his hand and the crowd booed.

Damian: That's right everyone I Damian Priest have bested that stupid giant James Fatality on this very ring last week and I can do it again and again.

The crowd booed.

Damian: Since I beat a well known star here on NXT I was thinking that I should be next in line for Adam Cole's NXT title at Takeover Tampa.

The crowd booed much louder and chanted "You don't deserve it!" over and over.


Bobby: He just fired the first shot at ya Adam.
Adam: That guy ain't getting an opportunity against me.
Rhea: We'll see about that Adam.

"At the arena"

Damian: Because you see Adam Cole, I have been working my ass off for a huge opportunity and-

Out came the Titan from Atlanta, James Fatality and he had a mic. He made his way to the ring and entered inside as he stared into the eyes of the Archer of Infamy.

James: Damian. Damian... You have to worry about Adam Cole later, because right now... I ain't threw with you.

The crowd cheered.

James: Last week you beat me with a stick while the ref was knocked out and from what I can tell is that only kids play with sticks which makes you a whinny child who wants to be given everything he ever wanted.

The crowd ohhhed as he was pissed.


Adam: Burn.
Kyle: More like incinerated.
Brooke: James usually knows how to put someone in they're place.
Rhea: And that's why I love him.

"At the arena"

Damian: You should watch what your saying, I am more deserving than you. You've been only here for 3 months while I have been here for 2 years.
James: Then does that make you extremely older?
Damian: It means that I am more expirienced than you could ever think you are.
James: Hey Damian remember, do you know what happened to the kid who got whatever he wanted?
Damian: What happened to him then?

The Titan pointed at Damian.

James: He got a one time opportunity of getting his assed whooped by me.

He dropped the mic and began brawling but the Archer of Infamy fought back.


Bobby: And the line is drawn in the sand by those two.
Roderick: How much do you wanna wanna bet they'll face at Takeover?
Rhea: A hundred bucks if only James wins.
Brooke/Kyle/Adam: Same.

"At the arena"

The two big men brawled around the ring, Damian placed the Titan on the corner and began stomping on him in the mid section but he grabbed his foot and pulled him for a monstrous Clothesline and slammed him on the ground very hard but then the GM William Regal came out.

William: Stop this fight!

Damian got up and along with James the two eyed William.

William: Since you two are so hellbent on destroying each other you two will collide at Takeover Tampa for an opportunity to face Adam Cole at the NXT after Takeover Tampa ends.

The crowd cheered and the two stared at each other.

William: But this won't be any ordinary match, you two will square off in the first time ever Prison Penitentiary Match where anything is allowed, even a chainsaw.

The crowd cheered and they chanted "Thank you Regal" over and over. James turned to Damian.


All Six where shocked, especially Rhea.

Adam: A Prison Penitentiary match, that's something new.
Brooke: The stipulations are something that James always dreamed of.
Rhea: A chainsaw? Isn't that a bit too much?
Kyle: A bit, but James can handle it.
Rhea: Hope he does.

"At the arena"

The two share a deadly glare.

James: At Tampa, I'll cut you in half and get the opportunity.
Damian: My name will live on forever while yours will be just ashes.

The show ended.

OK guys, this is chapter 15.

Peace out!

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