Chapter 4: The Belly Of The Beast Pt 2

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"At the arena"

The bell rang, Killian and James starred down at each other before both of them traded vicious blows to they're faces.

"Match Highlights"

Killian shoved James a bit and he stumbled which the Beast of Belfast time to go to the ropes and bounce off for a Crossbody and the two collided.

"At catering"

Adam: Woah, what a Crossbody.
Rhea: James took the hit like it was nothing.
Kyle: These two are like destined to fight forever.
Brooke: That's James for you.

They continue on watching and Rhea's eyes were only focused on James as she blushed lightly at his physic.

"At the arena"

Killian tried to do a devastating knee to the jaw but the Titan from Atlanta caught his knee and shoved him back away and got up and charge for a Strike You Down and then caught him for a Nap Time and pinned him but the Beast of Belfast kicked out.

"10 minutes later"

James grabbed Killian for a Chokeslam but he escaped it and targeted the legs of the Titan and then grabbed his head.

Killian: These are my plains! NXT is all mine.

He headbutted James and dragged him to the corner and climbed the turnbuckle for a Vader Bomb and pinned James but he kicked out.

"At catering"

Roderick: Now that's gotta hurt.
Bobby: But hey, the dude saved himself.
Rhea: This James the toughness description very well.
Brooke: James would never disappoint any of us his perfomance.
Adam: Well your fighting Chelsea Green next week so we'll see more from you anytime soon.

Kyle then earned a blush of a thought of Brooke in her ring gear and he cursed himself in his mind.

"At the arena"

Killian was holding his hair in frustration and was cursing in Irish that he could not overcome the big man that is James Fatality. He the began throwing jabs to his body.

"End of the match"

Killian set James on the mat and ran to the ropes for a Running Senton but James rolled away and Killian crashed hard on the mat and he was groaning in pain. James got up and smirked at this and grabbed Killian for a Final Countdown and then grabbed him and pulled him for a Ripcord Lariat and pinned the Beast and emerged victorious.

Announcer: Here's your winner... James Fatality!!!

He got up and the ref raided his hand in the air in victory.

"At catering"

Everyone applaud for him and were happy that he won, especially Rhea.

Brooke: He won you guys.
Bobby: Now we're looking forward for your win, Brooke.
Kyle: Wanna see you destroy Chelsea and Robert.
Roderick: Guys look!

"At the arena"

James was about to leave but Killian charge at him and landed a Cheapshot to the Titan from Atlanta and began beating him up, mercilessly. Then referees and security guards came out and seperated the two, but that didn't stop James and he jumped through the guards and into Killian and continued his beatdown until they didn't let him go.


James was walking down backstage, he's been notified that Killian has been escorted out of the building and he was far from done with the Beast of Belfast. Then he was approached by Brooke, Rhea and UE.

Brooke: You alright James?
James: Yeah, nothing much.

Then Rhea grabbed your head and examined it for bruises.

James: Umm, Rhea what are you-
Rhea: Checking for bruises?

UE and Brooke laughed at this.

James: Rhea, all I got was a Cheapshot, I am not broken or anything.

She pulled away.

Rhea: Sorry.
Adam: Anyways, I guess you and Killian are far from over.
James: If he issues another challenge then I have no problem accepting it and kicking the crap out of him.
Bobby: If you need help, we are avaliable.
James: Thanks, but it's not needed.
Adam: Guys, James is a person who likes to take care of things on his own.
Roderick: Duly notted.
Kyle: So I bet next week he has more in store.
James: I'll look for it and I'll expect him.
Brooke: But right now you need rest. We'll see each other next week fellas, bye.

They left.

Rhea: Well I gotta split, bye.

She left and UE we're alone. Upon leaving Rhea could think of one thing... James.

Bobby: Hey, Kyle I think your girl already found a crush.
Kyle: Shut up before I cut out your tongue.
Roderick: James might consider liking her.

Kyle couldn't help but pout.

Adam: Enough fellas, look Kyle they're just messing with you. I've known those two during my days at NJPW and they said to me that they aren't in love and treat each other like brother and sister.
Kyle: Thanks Adam, I know I can count on you.

"At James and Brooke's side"

James: That moment with Rhea... Was a bit awkward.
Brooke: Well she might have a interest in you.
James: Don't start!
Brooke: I won't.
James: But hey, I am seeing that someone in the UE has interests with you, care to tell who it is?
Brooke: Personally, the only who is this nice to me as you has to be Kyle.
James: Kyle, you mean the Canadian?
Brooke: So what, he's funny and cute.
James: Oh, you have a crush at him don't you.
Brooke: Maybe I do and maybe I don't.
You better not tell this to anyone or I'll rip out your spine!
James: I won't tell anyone, Ms O'Reilly.

The two laughed as they left for home.

OK guys, this is chapter 4. The next update is soon.

Peace out!

Love of brutality and idiotism (Rhea Ripley and Kyle O'Reilly x OC's) Where stories live. Discover now