Chapter 18: Takeover Tampa Part 2

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"At Rhea's house"

She was sitting on her couch and was watching Takeover.

Rhea: Well done Brooke, now all I have to do is beat Charlotte's ass at Mania and we will get out match.

The TV showed that up next was her boyfriend, James Fatality against his main rival, Damian Priest in a Prison Penitentiary match.

Rhea: Alright, I get to see my man kick Damian's ass now. Go James.

"Outside a penitentiary"

A car drove stopped and James came out of it. He then eyed the penitentiary as the two guards opened the gates and he entered inside it. He walked around until he noticed Damian Priest, he was dressed a guard as he smirked.

Damian: Well well well. James, I see you made it. How did a convict like you managed to escape from you cage?
James: I have my ways Priest, I can bust the metal to pieces and get out in one piece, while I will shatter you into a million pieces.
Damian: I am afraid I can't let you do that to me, it's my job to take you back to your cell.

He cracked his knuckles.

Damian: We can do this the easy way... Or the hard way...
James: Hmmm... I prefer the hard way, only one of us is gonna walk out of this slugfest and it won't be you.

It started to rain and the referee appeared.

Referee: The person who puts his opponent inside a cell is the winner.

The two nodded before running up to each other and they delivered a flurry of punches and jabs to each other. James landed a massive chop towards Damian but he then landed a back fist to the face of the Titan. Damian then grabbed him for a Reckoning and pinned him but James kicked out. Damian then got up and did a leg drop to James and then grabbed him again but James countered and shoved him away before tackling him to a concrete wall.

"At Rhea's house"

Rhea: My God... Kick em to the curb, hot stuff!

"At the penitentiary"

The two began brawling around the playing field, Damian then shoved James face first to the steel fence and began pushing his face.

Damian: You'ee not gonna win you scum. Justice will be served.

James got out of his grip and managed to gran Damian and shoved him on the fence as it fell down and so did the Archer of Infamy.

James: Served with a dish filled with pain?

He then began stomping on Damian before grabing him and placed him on a bench and put a weight lifter on top of him and Damian struggled to catch his breath as James snickered. This encouraged the Archer of Infamy kick James in the shin before pulling away the weight lifter with all his strenght and got up and did a shoulder block and James fell to the ground. Damian then pulled James by the hair and shoved him away to the basketball pole face first and then landed a backfist to the back of his head and then pulled him again.

Damian: Come on, I wanna show you around what's it like inside the penitentiary.

They walked away with the ref following them.

"At Rhea's house"

Rhea was worried for the pain that her man is taking.

Rhea: Come on James, I know you can prevail baby.

"Inside the penitentiary"

The two were inside as the rest of the inmates were inside they're cells as they turned around and saw the two.

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