Chapter 7: Camping Together

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"At Rhea's side"

She was on her phone, texting with James.

Rhea: "So today's the day"
James: "Yeah, what shall we do as you asked me a couple of weeks before"
Rhea: "I was thinking we could go camping on wilderness"
James: "Sure that be great, just let me pack up and we'll be good to go"
Rhea: "Alright, see you soon"

She put her phone down and she got up to start packing.

"Many hours later"

James arrived with his car at he spotted Rhea outside her house while dressed in casual clothing. James then got out and greeted her.

James: Hey there champ.
Rhea: Good to see you big guy.
James: Ready to go camping?
Rhea: You bet I am.

You then grabbed her stuff.

James: I'll handle this while you go inside the car.
Rhea: Fine with me.

She entered the car while you went on the back and put the camping supplies inside it before entering inside.

James: Oh almost forgot.

You went to her side and put her seatbelt.

James: Safety first.
Rhea: I am not little you know.
James: Really? You look little and your age says so.
Rhea: I am 23 and I am still the Nightmare of NXT.
James: Yeah, I get. Just messing with ya.

He then turned on the radio and it played "Rise against- Like the angels"

Rhea: Ah, my favorite song.
James: You like it?
Rhea: Ever since I was little and I appreciate for you having it.
James: Thanks.

He started the car and they drove off.

"Hours later"

During the travel the two talked about wrestling and they're own childhoods and etc. They were now outside and in the middle of the forest, they saw a lake and decide stop right there.

James: Perfect spot.
Rhea: Agreed. Shall we get started.
James: Absolutlely.

They dropped the supplies and began setting up the tent. Rhea them eyed James for a bit before focusing on the tent, a few minutes later they set it up.

James: There.
Rhea: Nice job, I like your handy work right there.
James: Well I do say so myself, I like you praises to me.
Rhea: I tend to be like that to some people, as for the others... You could say I am they're worst nightmare.

They chuckled.

"Hours later"

It was nighttime, and the two gathered sticks and James volunteered to start the fire, but he didn't use a lighter or anything, he rubbed two wet sticks together to make the embers spark into a fire.

Rhea: Wow, how did you do that without a lighter?
James: Let's just say my dad taught me when I was young. He and I used to go hunting together and we were a good team.
Rhea: Cool, I bet you know how to use a gun.
James: A rifle to be exact, and I wish I could show you my hunting techniques but how about some other time.
Rhea: Sure, let's roast some marshmallows.

She went to her backpack and grabbed a packet full of marshmallows and James got two sticks and they sat on a log and began roasting them.

Rhea: So James, how about a story?
James: Let me guess... A scary one?
Rhea: How did you know?
James: Your the Nightmare, so of course your associated with scary stuff. What's the matter Ms Nightmare? Scared.
Rhea: Go ahead, say it again and I'll put your head in the fire.
James: Just joking. Anyways ready for it?

She nodded.

James: Once there was this man who had his right hand missing and he replaced it with a hook. It was known that the man was a serial killer and he killed a dozen people. One night on the forest, he saw two girls skinny dipping in the lake, much like the one you see right now. When they got on land he sneaked behind them... And he slaughtered them.

Rhea was feeling a bit anxious.

James: And it was said that this man has been living in the forest for the rest of his life and has been searching for new victims... And who knows-

Behind Rhea he pulled out a hook toy.

James: -We might be next!

Rhea got scared and screamed while James was laughing.

Rhea: Not funny! You scared the shit out of me.
James: I know and it was priceless.

He continued laughing.

Rhea: Yeah, good one. Your actually the first person to scare me.
James: Really? Cause no one else scared you?
Rhea: Nope, your the only one.
James: Cool.

Then it started to rain.

Rhea: In the tent.

The two ran to the tent and entered inside it.

James: It had to rain.
Rhea: Hey don't get mad... We could sleep here tonight.

James: Upon hearing that he blushed.

James: Umm... Okay.

Rhea then kissed his neck and he felt her cold lips and purred a bit.

Rhea: Cold?
James: Why did you-

She silenced him with a kiss to the lips and it turned into a make out session which lasted about a minute until they pulled apart.

James: ... Rhea...
Rhea: I love you James. I loved you when I laid my eyes on you during your debut. Be mine.

She hugged him and he smiled.

James: Of course, I'll be yours... Forever. I love you too, Rhea.

He kissed her forehead and hugged her too.

Rhea: So since we are together...
James: Don't worry, we will have our time.
Rhea: Thank you.

She kissed his cheek.

James: Let's sleep. I wanna hug you now.

Rhea blushed.

Rhea: Me too.

They laid on the tent and still hugging.

James: Good night, babe.
Rhea: You too, my giant.

They then fell asleep.

OK guys, this is chapter 7.
Peace out!

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