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"Where the hell is Jake?"

"I don't know why you're still asking that question," Montana replied to Quil, doing a terrible job at disguising the bitterness in her voice.

It had been weeks now since Bella had brought the bikes to Jacob, and they'd been spending practically every minute, of every day, fixing them together. To set things straight, Montana was not jealous. In fact, she was happy that Bella was getting out of the house and doing things again, rather than dwelling on the depressing thoughts of her ex-boyfriend. However, when Jake not only stopped hanging out with Montana, but also Embry and Quil, to spend his time with Bella instead, a problem had arisen.

Montana had an entire speech planned out in her head about how she, Embry and Quil were feeling ignored, but every time she saw Jacob, the right words never seemed to surface.

When Jacob did make a rare appearance and they hung out together, it felt normal, like nothing had ever changed. Sometimes, it felt so natural that Montana even forgot the way he had been treating them over the past few weeks. But it was clear that there was always something there, some unspoken tension that seemed as if it was never going to be addressed by any of them.

As the weeks went on, Jacob gradually grew more distant from them. And, after a while, Montana gave up trying to confront him about what was going on, deciding that there wasn't actually any point, because it seemed evidently clear that Jacob would always choose Bella over them from now on. And Montana would be lying if she said that didn't hurt.

"He'll come around eventually," Quil assured, noticing the fallen expression on her face. Montana had been quietly playing with the food on her plate for the entirety of lunch, a heartbroken look in her eyes that was becoming physically painful to both Quil and Embry.

Quil was confused as to why Jacob would drop without warning, but simply put it down to the fact that he had a crush on Bella. He was certain that Jacob would eventually see sense and come back to them, and everything would continue as normal again.

Embry was furious at Jacob, mostly because of how much he was hurting Montana, and couldn't help but start to resent Bella for the trouble she was causing between them. He missed his best friend, of course, and still cared about him, but he could not understand the sudden attachment or interest in Bella. In Embry's humble opinion, he, Quil and Montana were way more fun to hang out with.

"Hey, you know what we should do?" Embry suddenly perked up, glancing between the pair of them. "Go cliff diving. After school. It'll be fun, take our minds off things."

Montana grimaced at the thought, her nose scrunching in distaste. She had a love-hate relationship with La Push's favoured activity of cliff diving; following the widely known, and always reminded, near death incident, starting with Quil shoving her off the cliff edge as a joke, and ending with her in A&E, it wasn't exactly her favourite thing to do. Though, she did have a lot of good memories with the boys there, and it was always a fun place to go in the summer. Plus, she always overdramatised how bad the incident actually was to make Quil feel bad – it was only a few stitches, and, honestly, she probably deserved it for teasing him all day about being rejected by Kasey Cortez.

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