part 7

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Okay. I was in the water and everything was fine. That was just Braxton Hicks. Chris stood behind me and hugged my stomach as he kissed me on the neck. My breathing was faster than usual and I was uncomfortable. Chris noticed that and massaged my lower abdominal area. It was relaxing and exciting and I felt better quickly. "Have you already thought about what happens after birth? I mean, this is not an object that you simply sell or put somewhere." I was torn from my relaxation. "No. I haven't dealt with it yet. I enjoy being alone." It wasn't the best answer, but at least it was true. "What the hell? You have two weeks at most. You know that? But I would be willing to support you. That we may become a small family." I thought it was great that he was so responsible, but I was happy as it was until now. "We have only really been 'together' since yesterday, if you can call it that." He made serious: "Babe, I do not intend to leave you. I really like you. Please never forget that. We can still decide what happens. The important thing is the birth first. Everything step by step. Do you want one Caesarean section or a natural birth?" I confessed: "Yeah...I actually didn't deal with that either. But I don't think I want a Caesarean section." He got a little pissed and said in my ear: "It can't be that you don't care?! You could give birth at any moment! Your amniotic sac could burst at any moment and you would probably think ‚Oh, oops there I have to see what I'm doing now.' Are you serious?!" I was angry too.Why did he react so mad?! "I'm going out of the water now. I've lost the mood." Chris looked after me hopelessly as I went up the stairs from the water. Such a stupid child came up to me and ran into a full can against me, so that I had bumped into the railing. He only reacted when Christoph shouted at the boy in shock. He just went away anyway and Christoph immediately came to me and asked if everything was OK. I had pain. Strong pain. But no contractions and my water is not broke. I would have sensed that. "Yes, I'm fine! Leave me now. I'm in my room!" I got myself back on and went on my way.

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