part 12

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The sun was shining in the sky above. No matter where you looked, there were beads of sweat everywhere. I was also sweating profusely. My stomach looked polished. Christoph and I went to the platform together. For safety he took his arm around me and we went close together. We were out for a long time because we were walking very slowly. Nevertheless, like everyone else, we reached the platform. Christoph went ahead and looked for a nice viewpoint. I then slowly followed him until we had one. "Baby, what time is it?" I asked exhausted. He looked at his watch: "In a few minutes it will be 2pm." I was happy but my throat was very dry so I asked for something to drink and Chris looked in his pocket. Then a sudden Braxton hit me again and I started to bend down a bit to relax my uterus. Christoph noticed how I held my stomach with one hand and painfully supported me on the railing. "Hey, what's up? Do you have contractions? Is it going?" I groaned 'Braxton Hicks' and continued to focus on my stomach. Chris took both thumbs and massaged my lower abdomen. I wanted to enjoy this day so I caught myself again and waited for these contractions to go away. My heart pounded very often and Christoph took me in my arms. "It will happen at the right time." We enjoyed the blazing sun and the view and my bulging belly. We were done but I was afraid to take the bus again as if we were walking, because we were not looking for a detour but came straight to the resort.  Halfway through I got another contraction.  Ipulled my body back together and Christoph rubbed my stomach. "Are you sure that these are not birth contractions? Look, there's a bench.  sit down." I sat down and had to lean. I inhaled and exhaled slowly as the pain slowly subsided. "I'm not sure. I think a birth can only be confirmed by a water break." He took care of me and waited until we could go on. After the contraction no more came and when we arrived in the room, we both undressed completely. It was very warm and our bodies needed freedom. It was already 5 p.m. and I wanted to take a shower. So I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror again.  "You two please wait a few more days, okay? I need a little relaxation now." My balls were swollen. I heard from the living room: "Hey, do you want something to eat right away?!" I answered "Yes" and went out of the bathroom again. Then I have to go after eating.

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