part 17

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We were traveling. Josh had a big car. He was in the front, and David and I were in the back seats. David held both hands on his stomach and leaned his head back. I saw that he was in pain. We were both tense. However, there was no water broke. Only David's moans of pain.

„Josh. Stop the car!"

I looked at David and Josh one by one. Josh actually stopped. Then I heard David moan softly "Ouch".

I noticed that something was changing. The contractions were getting worse. The belt was too tight and hurt and I had to get some fresh air.

We weren't anywhere. Just a no-traffic road and forest. There were still two hours to go. "David. Is something wrong?" Josh was totally irritated. He looked in the rearview mirror and saw our worried faces. "People...? Someone here tells me what's going on?" I didn't want to tell Josh but then David started saying...

"I'm pregnant. And I have contractions. I have to walk a little."

Josh looked at us funny and laughed like we were kidding him. Then David asked me if I could help him out and I immediately ran around the car to help him out. "Can you take off my sweat pant? She's really bothering me because her covenant is so tight." He asked me and I helped him take her off. Then we went a little bit into the forest. Josh followed us. „You two are crazy. Do you try to prank me?" I tried to ignore Josh's comments but then David got into a violent contraction and bent his legs a little.

I had to scream. I just had to. The pain was so bad. Christoph heals my stomach and tries to calm me down. There was a crack as if a balloon was bursting, and we all looked down at David to see the big surge of amniotic fluid that was running down my legs.

"Oh my God. My water broke. My water fucking broke!!! Chris! Help me! What should I do? Should I press?!" He shouted in my face. Josh stood next to us with his mouth open: "You were right..." and I stood there and said to David: "No. Don't press. We now sit in Josh's car and drive to a hospital nearby. You have to endure two more hours now."

We were all back in the car. Josh drove as fast as possible and David was sitting in my arms. We both helped his stomach which was not buttery soft as usual but this time rough and hard. Again and again David took a deep breath and then exhaled. "Christoph?" he asks me. "Yes?" I answered. "It hurts so much. It keeps sliding down." I walked into his retro shorts with my hands to feel the progress. His uterine opening has continued to enlarge. Not much, but something. "Hold on. Everything will be over soon."

It was disgusting when we both noticed that amniotic fluid leaked again. The second water was broke. I had the amniotic fluid on both hands and had to clean it up. David groaned and pressed the pain to fade but it only got worse. When we got to the hospital, his cervix was already fully open. The nurses and I ran with him on the couch into the delivery room. I held his hand as he pressed for his life. The twins were born close together from that time. David was completely done and just wanted to sleep.

Thanks to everyone who read this story. There will be more stories soon.

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