Chapter 22: Reality

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"It's okay to be afraid Juliette. He's on the run and he will be caught but you are under police protection. He won't hurt you".

I had been stuck in some random office with a rather stuck up counsellor. Her tone was patronising and condescending. Whether she meant it or not I didn't know. But I didn't want to be here. They all wanted to help me, but there was so much that they didn't know.

"He didn't hurt me" I repeated for the 5th time since the session started. Since the investigation began, I felt like I was stupid. All the questioning, all the reassurance that I was safe, but he never hurt me. Sure he did awful and unforgivable things, but the truth was he cared for me in his own messed up way. He loved me, he just didn't know how to go about it.

"But he kidnapped you, didn't he?".

"Yeah, but he brought me back home".

The lady dressed in tight clothing placed down her pen and notepad before scraping her chair closer towards me.

"Juliette, I want you to tell me what things you experienced whilst he kept you locked up".

Anger bubbled up inside of me as she continued to question me relentlessly. I had only been home 2 days and they pressured me into seeking professional help.

I wasn't crazy nor was I vulnerable. I wanted to stay at home with my mother who could barely take care of herself. I hadn't even had time to grieve my father or visit his grave. I wanted to have a moment to compose myself and at least get a decent nights sleep. But the pressure from the authorities was far too much.

"ENOUGH! I'm not doing this" I shakily snapped out, my breathing becoming harsh and unsteady.

The woman's eyes widened in surprise and wrote down some more notes on her stupid paper with her stupid pen.

"I'll message you if I want therapy".

Grabbing my bag and my coat from off the sofa, I stormed out of the room and ran through the clinic desperate for fresh air. I was suffocating in dark memories and all I wanted to do was hold my mother close.

Shoving the doors open, I inhaled a deep breath of cold air and stared up at the dark sky. Cars drove by and people hurried by eager to get out of the cold and back into the warmth of their own homes.

Suddenly the sound of heavy footsteps shook the trees and vans stopped before me with their headlights focused on me.






People swarmed around me with their large cameras and voice recording devices. I barely had time to breathe or think as their lights beamed on me and shouted questions my way.

I tried to escape them, but they followed me until I was cornered by the building wall and the very large group of reporters.

My heart was beating frantically within my chest as they closed in on me like predator would with prey. I felt trapped just like I did when I was him.

My hands instinctively clamped themselves onto my ears as their voices got louder and the lights got brighter. I sank further into the wall knowing I had no escape from them. They didn't care I was hurting, no they only cared about making money for themselves.

Suddenly a hand grabbed mine and pulled me through the sea of people before shoving me into a car.

My vision was still blurry as the car started to move away from the loud yells of the reporters. I don't even know who picked me up or where I was going, but at least I was away from the chaos.

"W-who are you?" I mumbled as my vision eventually straightened and my eyes fell to a young girl in the drivers seat.

She turned around and stared at me with a sympathetic smile.

"My name is Rachel. Sorry for the random grab, it must have frightened you after the recent events. But when I saw you being swarmed by the reporters, I knew I had to help get you out of there".

Her eyes remained focused on the road as she sped up along the familiar road that indicated I was near home.

"Thank you".

A sigh of relief escaped me as she pulled up alongside my house and gestured for me to go home.

"How do you know where I live?".

"Your disappearance was a tragedy on this town. I came here for the funeral of your father and supposedly you. I'm very sorry for your loss Juliette. Take care".

Oh yeah, my father. Everything had happened so fast that I hadn't even have time to grieve his departure.

"Thanks again".



The forest was so beautiful, fresh and green. Not another soul could be found as I walked through the peaceful and private land that surrounded the little cottage.

One breathe of this crisp cool air was enough to soothe the soul. Treading carefully over the logs and rivers, I carried the log pile in my arms eager to get home. The sun was starting to set and I had to be back before the darkness settled.

As I turned a corner, my heart began to swell seeing the smoke of the little cottage and lights coming from inside.

Running down the cobble path, I ducked under branches and dodged large boulders eager to surround myself in the warmth of home. Our home.

"Baby, whatever you're cooking smells beautiful".

Stepping into the small but cosy cottage, I carried the pile of logs through the hallway before stopping at the entrance of the lounge.

My heart stopped as my eyes fell upon my beautiful sunshine breastfeeding our little baby girl comfortably in front of the fire.

"Hello my love" she whispered whilst staring at me with adoration before looking down at our baby.

Placing the logs down in the basket beside the fire, I walked over to my wife and kissed her softly on her lips before turning to our little girl.

"Hey my little blessing".

She turned her head away from Juliette's breast and cooed sweetly as her brown eyes met mine.

"I love you so much. You are the blessing in my life. I promise to always keep you safe from the evil in the world. That is a promise to you and your mother. Always".


Suddenly the warm cottage vanished and instead an annoying voice pierced in my ear. Juliette slowly began to vanish along with our little blessing. I felt my arm reach out to hold them one more time, but it was useless. They had already gone.


"Ugh, what the fuck do you want?".

"You've overslept, again. You've missed another meeting, again. I've brought you someone that may help you get over"-

"I don't need anyone".

I just need my sunshine.

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