Chapter 32: Trust in him

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There was no better feeling than waking up to the smell of freshly cooked food. I hadn't had the best night sleep, but eating food would make me feel better. 

Opening up my tired eyes which felt droopy and sore, I looked to my left hoping to see my mum, but she was nowhere to be found. 

Perhaps she was the one cooking breakfast and not Mason.

Kicking my legs over the edge of the bed, I slowly pulled myself up and as I sat on the edge I stared out the very large window.

I only ever pictured homes like this to be in stories or movies, but never did I think I'd be staying in such a beautiful home. 

I just wished it would be in better circumstances.

Grabbing the fluffy dressing gown I had thrown over the back of the nearby chair, I slipped it around my body and tied the rope around my waist tightly.

Everything about this home was beautiful, especially waking up to an already heated room. There was nothing worse than waking up in a warm bed, then having to get up in a cold room.

Quickly tying my messy hair up with a scrunchie, I swiftly left the large room and followed the scent of delicious food all the way into the open living room.

"Good morning sweetheart".

I looked up to see my mum sat down at a beautifully set up dining table with enough food to feed 15 people.

"Hey Mum. Did you sleep okay?".

Walking up to her, I kissed her gently on top of her head and placed both of my hands on her shoulders.

"It was alright honey. How about you?" she placed her hand gently on top of mine and gestured for me to sit down beside her.

"Fine" I lied. I knew she was already stressed about everything, stressed about Mason and I didn't want her to worry even more.

"Did you do all this?".

I was blessed with a mother that loved cooking and made the most delicious of foods. This was her sort of thing, surprising us with the biggest breakfasts to start our day. That was one of the many things I missed when I moved out.

"No sweetie. Mason set this all up for us".

I couldn't help but feel guilty as anger flashed across her face. We actually hadn't spoken about the situation with Mason. I knew she was disappointed with me for accepting him almost instantly, but there was so much she didn't know. 

I just wanted her to trust me that I knew Mason wasn't the same man as before. He had changed, I could see that he had changed.

"Oh. Um, is he joining us?".

A very small part of me wanted him to, but I could tell he felt uncomfortable around us. I didn't blame him for wanting to avoid us. He was ashamed of what he had done and now he was face to face with not only me but my mother too.

I reached out to take a warm pancake off the plate nervous at my mum's silent response.

"No. But he did leave this note for you".

Taking a little bite of the little fluffy chocolate chip pancake, I took the note out of my mum's hand and started to read it.

Good morning Juliette,

I hope you slept well last night. I've made you and your mother breakfast. I wasn't sure on what you wanted, so I made a bit of everything. If you don't like it, then I'm sorry. I have to go back to work in order for no-one to suspect that you're staying with me. You'll be safe without me. There's cameras, alarms and a door to the safe room underneath the rug in my office if anything happens. I will be home late tonight. The fridge and cabinets are stocked with food so help yourself to whatever you want.

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