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Milo's POV
Chilling at a hotel I seen the premier of "zombies 2", I look at my phone and realized it was Valentines Day which was the date of the movie release. Wow, seeing myself on TV is still pretty overwhelming. Who would ever thought I would be here making a movie just like my mama. Posting pictures of me and other actors on scene really hit off on Instagram because apparently a lot of you liked the first post I put on there
*on and BTW you could listen to the song while you're reading if you would like*

I'm looking at the TV so excited when I saw his face and I went stiff seeing his face so..... baby smooth like they put some kind of  makeup that makes human skin like an angel's skin and I love how the reflection of the highlight hits his face. His smile is so adorable and it makes me blush I wish I had a smile just like his. If I was homosexual which I'm not I would totally get into his pants. As I think those exact thoughts I look down at my jeans and see a little botch stick up. I swipe my hand across it, when I did that I let out a little moan. "Milo, honey you alright you there you've been little too quiet in there" as my mom walked in to the hotel room I was staying in I quickly put a pillow where my boner was. "Nah, mama I'm fine just watching the movie... That all" you could tell from the appearance on my face I didn't want anyone to know this secret crush I have now. Maybe its not a crush maybe it's just a phase. So as soon as my mom left the room I made sure by stalking his Instagram.



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Well, after stalking his Instagraboldestalking him on Google I finally found a photo that made me HORNY. I mean this made my penis harder than bolder, this made it so difficult to hide you could see it through the pillow its like a knife going through the pillow. My mom walks in I try and hide the evidence that I was crushing on someone. Doubling the pillow on top of my penis hiding every inch of it. "Hi, Milo someone wants to speak to you on the phone. He says you might wanna talk to him." My mom says handing me the phone where I heard, "Hello anyone there, its me Pearce I want to talk for a minute if you would?" Looking at the phone feeling the hurt raises up on my face and my hands shaking. "H...hey Pearce its me Milo, what's up? Whatcha want to talk about?" Hearing his voice on the other line makes me even harder than before making it very noticeable to see that I'm hard. "Hey, I was just worrying if you would want to hang out sometimes, Me and some others friends are going out to Disney Land to have some fun." His mid-low voice gives me chills down my back. "Sorry, I would but I have plans sorry to let you down." I can't see him in real life because if I do I'll embarrass myself and my boner would come back. He'll see me getting horny being near him.

Next morning
Me and my mom went to catch a plane back to LA. "Hungry... Want me to order some food so you could eat? Maybe son Thai, Chinese, or Mexican food. Either one would sound good to me, mama loves to eat." As my mom picks up the phone waiting on me to answer her. "Um, can I get sushi. I would love to eat some raw fish for once." The experience on my mom's face made me nervous.

Time skipped
Food got here about twenty minutes ago and I still haven't ate one piece sushi out of the platter I order. Not only do I have a single problem now but I have two problems, I've been on 'Dancing with the stars' a while now and I realized something I never knew I have a crush on my partner she's so beautiful with her perfect blonde hair with her perfect figure she's perfect for me and only me.

I have to choose between her and Pearce but I don't want that, I don't want that at all. If I make a wrong turn who knows what the future could hold me being in love with two people at the same time not right my brain hurts and all of a sudden I feel lightheaded. I eat a couple of pieces of sushi because I know its probably just hunger speaking to me through my stomach. A few minutes late I've ate all the sushi I had on my platter.

--------------------------------------------------- boy I'm I hungry right now after writing this.
Sorry if you see anything cringy in this I tried to delete it but my brain wouldn't let me and force me to published out to the world for anyone to see 🤭😶😓

Excuse any of the misspells or ungramaized words you see
*like "ungramaized" is a word* but sorry if none of the things I said here doesn't make sense because autocorrect isn't working with me. She hates me and wants to watch me suffer

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