All Done!

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I'm sorry if it's been like only a couple of chapters but I'm done and if you feel frustrated about this I could happily explain it to you because I know Y'all might need some kinda explanation I mean I've been gone for most of the months and weeks you haven't heard from me so I'm done with this story for now I guess or maybe permanently because I'm tired of it at this point I've been most reading trying to catch some notes on how can I make my stories better and I recently made two more

The first one was: the shadow hunter one with Jace Wayland and Simon Lewis I guess I changed it, it would make since to you but I'm trying new things and working on making more on this app I barely have patience for some of these things and when I type too fast it looks like I'm not making any since so I'm sorry if you don't get it's just apart of my horrible life

And this pandemic ain't making it any better with my reading or writing on this app because I have many others I want to do make stories on recent series or movies I've watched over the pass months now I want to make a fanfic on YouTubers I've watched over again or just recently started watching like (Berleezy, Coreyxkensin, DashieXP, Steph and Tasha, Radpax, Oliver's Antics, and many more that I enjoy) and I always want to do some that's realistic like kinda about my life COMMENT if you think I should do and I need some suggestion on what I should actually write about I'm bored with the same ones I've been writing about so I'm not ending it with these words I'm actually writing a chapter below so enjoy my last and final chapter!!!

N: Milo and Pearce are still on their first date and no one has said anything "romantic" or made any moves it just awkward no one knows what to talk about besides how the world is going today and what politics are about nowadays and how America is taking in the election

Pearce: So, if the election didn't end so quickly do you think.... you know do you think B....Biden would've won or Trump there's still chaos happening so many trump supports aren't happy about the win they're saying that Joe cheated he tinkered with the votes and he made sure Trump wasn't in office. They even said Trump completely fucked America before Biden became president so now Joe has nothing to really work with. Horrible I wish there was more we can do about this.
N: Milo still had nothing to say he just listened to his boyfriend go on and on about politics and who he would have vote for, He thought about what would have happened if Trump was never president but he didn't really want to speak politics he just wanted to talk to his boyfriend about his life he never thought he would be so serious has he talked about presidency

Milo: can we talk about something else I mean I'm not saying I don't care about politics, I haven't seen you in a while why aren't you talking about how your doing right now I need to know and I know you want to share anything you have in your mind because it looks like you have a lot. Please, talk to me hon I can't just sit here wondering what's going on with you I know there's something.

N: Pearce stop for a sec then he just continued talking about politics as he heard nothing Milo had told him in condition to this Milo got up from the table they were sitting at and leave he felt so annoyed with his boyfriend he knew he wasn't listening to a word he said as he got into his car Pearce chased after him trying to stop him from leaving but nothing he could have done to stop Milo, he was so angry he burst out into tears as he drove himself he cried looking at every couple who was happy right now "I have to stop at McDonald's cool myself down before I hit something" he though he found the nearest McDonald's around him and just stop I dunno why he choose McDonald's but maybe he wanted a burger or something maybe a McFlurry to cool him down maybe so McChicken nuggets with some BBQ sauce. Sorry I'm a little out of it right now. Back to the story

Milo storms into his house up to his room where he locked himself to cry about what just happened.

M: He said nothing to me I tried making conversation that's what you do when you're on a date with your boyfriend you just don't shut him out and talk over him

N: Milo shoves two chicken nuggets in his BBQ sauce then puts them in his mouth while he continues talking to himself well crying

M: there's no I'm trying this again I'm never speaking Pearce ever again it was so embarrassing, why would he do such a thing doesn't he want to talk to me? Am I ignoring to him that he really had to stoop so low I can't believe it. Now I'm sitting here in my floor getting FAT crying over him

N: Milo had nothing else to say to himself that night he just wanted to crawl up into a ball and never come out into the public every again he just didn't want anyone to see him as he was there was no reason for anyone to be around him so he kept him in that ball in the corner in his room..... 234 days has now pass it's a whole month that has past it November 24, 2020 which means Thanksgiving is tomorrow and he has to get tf out of the corner and will possible get his ass whipped if he doesn't so he has to dry all that shit up!!! You hear me Milo get yo ass up and take yo ass in the kitchen do whatever you have to do to get ready for Thanksgiving! If you cook, do it! If you help your mom cook, go do it bitch! Tf you still sitting there for just go help do something instead of crying like a lil bitch!!!! Also sorry for anyone under 18+ I didn't know you read my story I always thought you were my age and over so don't come at me parents or don't go tell your mom on me.

M: Hey, mom some narrator told me to come help you in the kitchen. So do you need help? I don't want them coming back for me I don't need to cry anymore

MM: No, sweetie I don't need your help. Well, you can wash dem dishes for me, that's a way you can help me. Thanks Narrator I really did need his help because I could cook and wash the dishes at the same time so thanks a lot I hope you're just not sitting on your bed right now watching TV or typing on Wattpad I hope you're helping get ready for Thanksgiving too..

N: you're welcome. Yes I am not doing those things you just said

As Milo helps his mom in the kitchen at his place.  Pearce is also getting ready for Thanksgiving surprisingly he's cooking wow I never knew Pearce knows how to cook and he is helping his mom also maybe Thanksgiving is all about family, if you're reading this on Thanksgiving please comment what are you thankful for. I'm sorry I love all of y'all but I'm gonna have to say I'm thankful for my family who hates, the ones who loves me, the ones that are dead I'm thankful they were in my life kinda still are. But yeah I'm thankful for many things that I have accomplished and have gotten done and the friends I may have made on online so thank COVID-19 for making me somewhat famous on Wattpad any one I'm gonna end it here it's pretty short also you won't be seeing any updates on this story because it's the end of it because I'm done with it as you can read the title I have like three more stories I need to work on the old ones maybe.... the new ones and everything I have work for the fame I may have or may not have gain on this app

an unexpected bromance [Completed]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin