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I really appreciate all the views I got on my book or fanfic this has been a dream for me to become a writer even if it's not professional I just wanted to be a writer someday 🤗💕❤️ thank yu so mucc 😄😃 Starting today I'll be more updated on this story because I'm so thankful and you all inspired me because I thought this story would be the "laughing stock" of all the fictions I've seen it's pretty awesome that y'all 🥰🥴😍 I don't know how many times I can say this but thank y'all so much I really appreciate for real I never thought I would get so many views on a story here 🤪😋

I want to also inspire all the other writers here to push yourself don't let anything or anyone get in your way of anything you want to create on this app just do what you want 🥰🙂🙃 and even if you're just an reader push yourself to create something here rather it's stupid or just unbelievably embarrassing just do you don't let anyone let you down or tell you can't do anything you want

an unexpected bromance [Completed]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora