so... issa date?!

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Pearce POV
I'm in my closet right pacing around trying to figure out what type of an fit Milk wants me to wear. I mean its not like it's a date we're just hanging out as friends nothing more. Okay, should I wear one of my suit I wore for a interview or should I go casual and just go in my regular clothing I wear around the house and when hanging out with friends. I mean why not that's exactly what's happening here. "Here it is my favorite shirt with my favorite jeans all from H&M. I should've stop wearing these two years ago but I mean I didn't want to return them so.. Why not wear until I get tired of them." As I thought that no one would come in my room I start changing my clothes. But I guess I wrong with my mom walked in and saw me in my underwear. "Oh! Honey I'm so sorry I didn't know you were changing sorry I'll leave." Just to add all the embarrassment up, I looked down and my penis was halfway out of my underwear for some reason. "So.. Are you ready for you little "hang out" with Milo the giant." My mom said trying to make me forget that she just saw my weiner.
(Author: okay that's fucking cringy asf.. Who says "weiner" nowadays you either say dick or penis where did weiner come from 😂)
"Yeah, I'm ready and he's not necessarily a giant he's not that taller than me. I mean by one foot minus six inches." I said getting dressed forgetting how to act about what's going to happen.

Milo POV
"So.. You're going on a date with Pearce aww that's so sweet, bestie text me all the details, what y'all ate, what y'all watched, etc. Even the juicy parts don't leave that out!! Not one bit of it!" Meg screams through the phone I was excited about this maybe we'll really kick it off me and Pearce we could become a couple and live happily ever after. "Sound like a fucking idiot!!" Not realizing I said that out loud and instead of inside my head, "why did you say that bestie? You're not a idiot for thinking you and Pearce is going love each other for years to come." Meg said with soft serious voice. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't realize I said that out loud, I thought I was thinking that in my head as a thought I had a minute ago." I get up to get me another sprite to choke down before my date. "Wait one more thing, are you dresses right now. Do you have a new outfit or just like an t-shirt and jeans." I totally forgot to get dressed for my date worrying about how great or badly this date is going to turn out. "No.. I have to go! Bye Meg wish me good luck on my date." I quickly hanging up on Meg not waiting on a response from her. Okay, finding a outfit wasn't hard but I wasn't matching in anyway I had one my greenish- gray shirt with jeans and my black and white vans. The door bell rings as soon as I got my right shoe on so, I midway ran to open it, just as I thought he wouldn't get any cuter he appeared at my door with the most basic outfit making it worth something.

Pearce POV
Everything Milo puts on is way too cool to be in my closet showing a smile trying not to flirt too hard, I got boner. And its shows worse with sweat pants. I pretend I'm putting my hands in my pockets and pulls my pants out so he won't see it. "You alright Pearce you look like you're nervous or something." He said knowing I look like I'm about to shit on myself. "Nah, I'm good just my hands are a little cold that's all." Knowing damn well my hands are fucking hot. He goes to turn on his AC when I quickly turn around to pull my penis to my pants so he won't see that I'm hard right now. "So, where we're going or do you want me to fix dinner her for the both of his." Although you could never go wrong with a homecooked meal i really want to take Milo out somewhere, I place I knew he loved to eat at. "No, I actually want to take out to a restaurant but I'll let you choose where." Maybe this does feel like a date some how in my head but for him to think this hard about where we're going.. "Wait didn't you say, you wanted to take me out for sushi that'll still be great even though I had that last night. So maybe we could go out to eat Chinese. Are you down?" How could I forget I told him we were going for sushi, "Dumbass!!" Putting both of my hands over my face was bad VERY BAD, he saw it he saw that I had a boner I could move I was too embarrassed to make eye contact with him. As I slowly moved my hands from my face he was gone. "Milo?! Where did you go buddy?! You okay!!?" Great I ran my date away just by getting hard when we're clearly friends

Milo POV
Omg seeing that he was hard made me hard so I ran away I didn't want him to see

To be continued
Today is the last day of school for me so I won't have an excuse no to have an update unless I sleep in and totally forget I have this story up 🤪🤪😶 so there are some misspells I know and my grammar is not yet up to the highest level but I'm working on it so.. Enjoy whatcha see 😍

Also leave in the comment section if you think Milo Manheim and Pearce Joza would be cute together I think so or maybe that's just

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