First date face to face

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Milo POV
Mask: check
Nicest clothes I own: check
Chapestick: check
Location: check
I'm so excited to see my lover IRL for the first time I can hug him but then it'll expose me and him to Covid-19 I can't give him the worse disease America has ever seen he's too precious for that. But I know he loves me enough to know I wouldn't do that. Damn it... I can't even kiss him. Can't I? I mean I don't know how this six feet apart thing works. I'm falling apart I can't just not kiss my boyfriend I love him too much not to. Maybe we should've stuck to the digital dates instead of this one I mean I can't bail on him that might ruin our relationship and I can't go through any trauma anymore, I can't put him through it either.

"Hey Milo, don't you suppose to be heading out don't have a date with a special someone named p....pearce, I mean he could be waiting on you somewhere out in our front lawn or maybe at the front door!" My mom scream as she stood in front of Peace who had a mask on and he carry a bottle of equate. He looks so adorable with his little suit and tie on wearing the biggest smile I've never really seen him with, "Okay our date start in like an hour and we can't be late so would you like to go like NOW" He strain his eyes me thinking I know what he's talking about but I'm yet still confused and I can't stop staring him.

Pearce POV

*takes out phone to see what time it is*

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