Heres come a thought.... 🎵🎶

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I decided to make a new story don't worry I'll be still working on this one also so here's the plan I'll be working on the new story like on Wednesdays and I'll be working on this one on Mondays- Thursdays and maybe on the weekends I want be inactive as much as I've been

The story is gonna be a fanfic ofc but it's gonna be on a show that ended a year ago called "Shadowhunters" there were ships (Malec, Jimon, Saphael, Clizzy, Clace, Sizzy and others) but I'll be only focusing on Jimon because I've seen some on the fandom. It that's the main one that seems unusual so, I wanted to make another Malec but there were so many I don't think mines would be fit for one those

Wait I'm remaking the schedule of writing this story I'll be doing Mondays-Friday's and I'll be writing ✍🏾 the Jimon one actually on the weekends because that's the main days I barely have things to do I'll have all the free time I want 🤗😄
Also I will be updating the Mini Fanfic on here either Monday or two hours from

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