Mini fanfic special

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This fanfic will be how I seen the movie in my mind not how the movie actually was if you didn't see just note none of this stuff I'm saying is true or what happened
I'm running for class president, and after I win the part against My best friend Addison's cousin he's always been the most popular person in seabrook but today that changes. I'm gonna win and make everyone happy which will make me the most popular kid in school and after I win I'll ask Addison to be my prawn date will have so much fun together maybe I'll ask her to be my girlfriend. After getting my suit for the prawn I set off to ask Addison can she go with me the cheer team has  just now coming from cheer practice  I'll catch the bus' view as they drive by. I set the sign that says "Addison will you go to prawn with me?" Here as the cheerleaders bus is coming up to where I set the sign, and the as the driver sets off I hear Addison screams my name "ZED!!!" The bus comes toward me. The driver hits the breaks hard to stop 🛑, no thanks to my bad timing the school bus that took the cheer team back to school. As we go to lunch I catch with Addison to apologize for what I've done I know she's pretty upset "hey Addison, I'm sorry for what happened back there I was trying to ask you to prawn but my timing for the sign for off. I hope you're not too upset" as we walked down the hallway I could hear a loud scratching sound against the lockers. god no way are there werewolves at our school now. "Hello seabrook, you're looking at your newest and coolest students ever" the wolf leader Willow says as she looks around at everyone in our school. And her two friends behind her smiles showing their fangs to every single person in front of them. Wow that boy on the middle he's so dreamy I got to know his name. "These are my friends Wyatt and Wynter we'll be making ourselves at home here so don't try and stop us."
Later that day
Wyatt POV
I look around at this school I'm attending now there's a cheer team with a girl name Addison as leader, I wanna go talk to her maybe she could be my girlfriend, "hello you're Addison aren't? Are you leader here?" I said looking around as all the cheerleaders practice they're routine for something "no I'm not leader my cousin is everyone loves him for the athletic  person he is, honestly I wish I was more like him, even if people know I have silver hair they seem to love him more." She says as she looks at Wynter and then back at me. "Oh, well you should be leader instead of a cheerleader you're more than this." She looks at me confused as I made a statement that's not easy. "Easier said then done." She says going back to here routine. As other girls throw her into the air I find a way to check her before she falls to the ground and completely hurt herself. Out the corner of her eye I see she looks at a boy with white skin and green hair. "Zed!!! Wait!" She screams after the pale green haired boy.

Addison POV
I ran into one of the new student that came to our school. We started talking about how I should be leader "hey I should go back to practicing for a while I'll talk to you later I guess." Okay since now me and the girls are ready to try the hardest routine in cheer history we began. As I stand on a girls' hands she throws me up forgetting to catch when all of a sudden Wyatt comes to my rescue. As I fall down into Wyatt's arms I see Zed out the corner of my eye. I jump down out of wyatt's arms to see if he was alright. "Zed!! Wait!!" I ran out into the hall to see him with a disappointing facial expression on his face. "What was that?!" He asks me. "What are you talking about I was practicing and he happens to catch me." Wow it's not like Zed to get jealous, it's not like we dating or anything. We're best friends!! "You're into Wyatt!! And he's obviously into you too!" Zed looks up  and crosses his arm into his chest. "Zed, Wyatt does not like me, and if he does why does that matter to you we're not dating we just friends!!! That's all! You're so ridiculous! You know what maybe he does like me! And I'm gonna take my chances and ask him to be my boyfriend. Goodbye Zed you're full of yourself" I storm out of that situation as fast as I can without looking back.

After watching Wyatt catch the girl I love I couldn't do anything else but walk away because who is he to think he could just come to my school and steal the girl I love. "Zed!! Wait!!" I hear Addison call out as she runs after me into the hall. I turn around as she walks up to me to talk I'm so disappointed I thought she liked me not him. "What was that?!" I asked her. "What are you talking?!" Oh really Addison what am I talking about you know what I'm talking about. "You're into Wyatt!! And he's into you too!!" He look up and cross my arms. "Zed, Wyatt does not like me, and if he does why does that matter to you we're not dating we just friends!!! That's all! You're so ridiculous! You know what maybe he does like me! And I'm gonna take my chances and ask him to be my boyfriend. Goodbye Zed you're full of yourself" As she walks away I run to the Z safe room to be away from everything around me. Maybe I was full of myself like Addison said or maybe I just couldn't stand to see her with any but me. As I sit in a corner of the safe room with my head in my knees I hear someone come in through the door "hello?? Anyone here? Zed you there?" I hear the voice closely and it Wyatt that future girlfriend stealer I can't stand to talk to him now. "Hi, why did you think that I like Addison?! I mean I did want to make her my girlfriend but I also liked you so I was gonna ask you out but you ran away too fast so I couldn't do that, well actually I can't lie I did like her and I was gonna ask her out but still I liked you more and I wanted to wait to ask you out so you could chill on that future girlfriend stealer thing." How did he know that is he reading my mind. "Hey, how did you kn- nevermind so if you like her how are you gonna like me at the same time" I really want him to answer my question.

To be continued maybe tomorrow
Again this is not what happened in the movie exact it's just how I saw the movie in head so enjoy and thanks to Baby_weasel this story was easy to write because they actually wrote their story based off the movie so yeah I choose to do the same
Tell me if you want me to continue with this and if you don't I'll still continue because I want a part of this and I'm not reading I'm writing it so yeah enjoy the story because vote if you could


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