28. A Great New Beginning (part III)

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Less than an hour later found Damien and Oliver saying their goodbyes to Mr. And Mrs. Carmichael as they stood just outside the security check-in at the airport.

"I'm going to miss you," Mrs. Carmichael said, hugging both boys together.

"We'll be back for the winter hols," Damien promised. Oliver nodded, smiling at Mrs. Carmichael all the same.

She smiled back at the two of them, wiping her eyes with the pad of her middle finger, delicately, so as not to smudge her impeccable makeup.

Mr. Carmichael merely smiled, "You two behave now. I know you'll do great at University."

Damien nodded, "Thanks father," he said.

"Thank you, sir," Oliver replied, and with that the four parted ways.

Damien sighed happpily, it was all happening, he thought. A great new beginning was opening up before them. One in which, anything at all was possible.

They arrived at their gate with nearly forty-five minutes to spare. They would be flying 1st class to London, and Damien was eager to get on the plane already. Checking his phone for the umpteenth time in the last five minutes, and tapping his foot nervously on the ground, Damien paused as a particular email caught his eye.

It was from Lindsay Kaufman, a well known New York Literary Agent. Damien had been following her on Twitter for years. Damien felt his heart race in his chest as he opened the email, anxiously reading:

Dear Mr. Carmichael,

I discovered your work via Twitter rather recently and I must say I'm rather taken with it. You have an incredible voice, and the way in which you turn a phrase is most remarkable. I would very much like to represent you. Prodivded of course, some other enterprising agent hasn't already snapped you up. Though surely I would have heard this by now. I saw via your Twitter that you had a completed original manuscript recently. I would love to take a look at it, at your convenience of course.


Lindsay Kaufman.

Damien could hardly believe it, he re-read the email several times over, checking the email sender just to ensure that it wasn't some hoax.

His lifelong dream was finally coming to fruition, he thought. He had been offered representation by one of the most well-regarded agents in New York.

Damien smiled, just as the boarding call for 1st class went out over the loudspeaker. Getting to his feet, Damien held out his hand for Oliver.

"Ready for our next great adventure?" he asked.

Oliver smiled, curling their fingers together, "With you? Always."

The End.

The End

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