Chapter 3

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It was the middle of the night and Claire was sleeping. She was actually having a nightmare.

Claire and her mother were at SHIELD, when there was an explosion. Claire was grabbed by someone. They covered her mouth, so she couldn't scream. The person that grabbed her injected her with something and she fell unconscious.

When Claire woke, she was in a room. She had no idea where she was. She noticed wires sticking out of her and heard beeping, so she guessed that she was in a hospital. But when she looked around, it didn't look like a hospital room. It looked more like a lab. She also noticed that she was strapped down. She had to get out of here. Claire sat up. She pulled the wires out and broke the straps around her wrists and ankles. She stood up and ran towards the door. But, people grabbed her arms. It took three buff guys to keep her from getting away.

"Let me go!" Claire said. They held her down against the table while they strapped her down to the table and reinserted the wires. "Who are you people and where am I?" Claire asked. "What do you want with me?" No one answered her. She didn't know why they took her, but before she opened her eyes, she heard someone say that they took her because she was Captain America's daughter. They inserted a tube into her arm and there was blood coming out of it. They started injecting her with a bunch of needles at once. Claire screamed. The pain was excruciating.

Then, Claire woke up, screaming. She bolted up in bed. She sweating and had tears running down her cheek. "Claire." She heard her father say. She looked to her left and saw her sitting on the edge of her bed.

"What happened?" She asked.

"I woke up hearing you screaming." Steve said. "When I came into your room, it looked like you were screaming in your sleep. I've been trying to wake you for two minutes." Claire nodded. "Are you ok?" Steve asked.

"Yeah." Claire said. "Just a nightmare."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Steve asked.

"No." Claire said.

"I was planning going to see a someone tomorrow." Steve said. "Why don't you go with me. It might make you feel better."

"Sure." Claire said.

"She's in a nursing home in Washington D.C." Steve said. Claire nodded. "Go back to sleep." Steve said. "I'll see you in the morning." He walked out of the room and Claire went back to sleep.

The next morning, Claire woke up and got out of bed. She walked out of her room. As she walked into the kitchen, she smelled something wonderful. "Morning Dad." She greeted him.

"Good morning, Claire." Steve said.

"What's for breakfast?" Claire asked.

"Blueberry pancakes with sausage." Steve replied.

"That's my favorite." Claire said.

"It is?" Steve asked.

"Mmhmm." Claire said.

"Can you set the table please?" Steve asked. Claire nodded and went over to the cabinets. She got out plates, utensils, and set them on the table.

"Do you want coffee?" Claire asked.

"Yes." Steve said. Claire got two mugs out and poured some coffee into both. She sat at the table with the mugs as her father set breakfast down. They each took a pancake and a couple sausages. "How are you this morning?" Steve asked.

"Good." Claire said.

"Are you ok after last night?" Steve asked.

"Yeah." Claire said.

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