XXV. Affliction

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"Fuck you." Kris cursed, pushing her as he tried to get away. But another series of coughing fit followed by another puking of blood made Kris stumble on his feet and he fell on the floor with a loud thud. Kris felt his strength slowly leaving his aching body.

Nam knelt in front of him, smiling as blood started dribbling down her mouth. She leaned in but Kris kicked her away with what little strength that was left in him.

Nam coughed up blood, splattering all over the white linoleum floor. She slowly got up with a groan and started crawling towards Kris, leaving a trail of blood as she moves. "Why cant you still accept my love Kris? I did everything for you. I died for you."

Kris shook his head, his bloodshot eyes was filled with terror. "Why are you doing this Nam?"

"Because I love you, and I can no longer wait for the day that we get to be together," she replied, inching closer to the trembling boy. "This is a shortcut Kris. I did this for us."

Kris wanted to run away but he couldn't even move a muscle. He started losing balance, his vision getting blurry, and soon his weak body fell limp on the floor.

Kris' heartbeat was becoming faint, he can see his own life flashing before his eyes yet he still doesn't want to accept the fact that he's reaching the end. "It hurts Nam. It really hurts," his weak voice uttered in pure agony.

She lied beside him, grabbing his now almost lifeless hand and holding it closer to her chest. "I know babe. But I promise this will be the last time you'll experience pain," she replied, staring lovingly at him and admiring his beautiful sinful face that had her falling head over heels since the moment their eyes met. She watched as he slowly turned pale, as he breathed his last breath, as he becomes devoid of life.

Nam stretched her arms to caress his face, tracing her fingers along with what was once a rose colored cheeks. His ever so lovely cherry colored lips was in more deeper red now as it was covered with all of the blood that he had spilled. And as her vision was fading into nothing but black, Nam leaned in to give him a one final kiss.

Nam closed her eyes as she was drifting away in a bittersweet memories that he got from loving Kris.

Kris came into Nam's life like a hurricane destroying everything and anything it comes into contact with. And Nam knew he was trouble, she knew it right from the moment their eyes met that one night she decided for the first time to sneak out of their house and attend her friend's party. She knew it the moment he flicked that menthol cigarette and stepped on it while staring straight in her eyes. She knew it when Kris put aside his bottle of beer and made his way to her. She knew it right from the moment he smiled and said 'hi'. And she knew everything was gonna change for the worst the moment she lets Kris in her life.

Nam was the perfect girl, the ideal girl. She was beautiful, and smart, and kind, and everything one can ask for a daughter. But when she met Kris, her late night studies became drinking sessions at high end bars. Her daily bath in a tub of rose petals turned into a swimming pool of cigarette smokes. The beauty she possesed has only became a subject for Kris' erotic fantasies, and her 'yes daddy,' can only be heard once they're in bed.

Nam made a decision for herself for once in her entire sheltered life and she fucked up. But did she regret it? No, never. Loving Kris gave her freedom that her parents never allowed her. She was so sick and tired of playing the good girl and live up to everyone's expectations. Because with Kris, Nam can be herself. She can say anything she wants, do anything she wants, and the only thing Kris was expecting from her was to love him, and maybe give him money, but it doesn't matter because she loved him anyways. Nam fell for the wrong person and she loved every second of it.

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