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Josalena had helped me. I hadn't believed some of the others when they told me she was as much of a prisoner in this house as we were. Sure, I've heard the yelling and loud noises, but she's never had a mark on her that I've seen. She always comes in with a smile too and I had thought she was just mocking us.

Now I knew I had been mistaken. All of us remained quiet. I sat in the corner, wishing I could cover my ears, but knowing I couldn't, I deserved to feel this guilt eat at me.

From here we could hear her crying, begging for him to stop, that she was sorry. She had forgotten to close the door as she left, or maybe didn't get the chance, looking so defeated and broken down.

Now we were all forced to hear it.

I understood the pain; the General had used that steel tipped belt on us plenty of times. He liked to kick our face with his heavy boots; he tormented us and beat on us, had us starved. But that didn't excuse what I did.

When I had punched her, I felt in power for just a moment. But instead of looking like I had hurt her, she had looked at me sadly. I didn't even want to think about what the General would have done if she hadn't of lied for me.

"What's wrong with you?" I leaned over to see Fern was glaring at me.

"You were giving her a hard time too!" I hissed back quietly, relieved when the cries stopped. I really hoped she was ok.

Fern huffed and moved way back into her cell, disappearing from sight. "Just for entertainment honey, she's not the enemy."

Curtis, now awake and right across from me was shaking his head at me. "You're no better than the scum human that treat us like dirt," he said.

"I didn't want this!" I insisted. "I - I didn't know."

"Then don't forget this moment," He said back, looking calm as he turned away from me. "Remember what hate turns people into."

I knew he was talking about me. My hate had eaten up at me until I lashed out. And now a girl was paying for it.

The General, he had hate for us.

I didn't want to end up like him. I promised myself at that moment that I wouldn't let myself lose control like that again. No matter what the humans did to me, I wouldn't let hate fill my heart up like that again.

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