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(Haven's POV)

Once Harmoney's scream hit my ears, I bolted out the door to see what happened. I did not care that my socks were soaked as I crushed the snow beneath my feet.

"HARMONY???? HARMONY??? I screamed when I saw her pencils scattered on the ice in front of her car. I bent down and picked up her sketch book. The falling snow was already distorting and smudging her once perfectly inked in drawing.

Looking around, there was no sign of her. I could not see foot prints, everything looked calm besides the snow getting heavier. "HARMONY!?!?!?!?!?" I yelled a final time.

"She gone." A man's voice startled me and I spun around. My eyes landed on a tall stunning man. He wore a blue suit, adorned with a blue tie. The wind was gently playing with his curls. I stood stunned, I tried to place him in my mind, but then I noticed his eyes. That stunning baby blue!

"You're the crazy man from the grocery store?"

The man put his head down, laughing lightly. "Ehhahah, I have been called many things, but that one is a first."

"Where is my friend?" I asked a sense of urgency in my voice. The man leaned against a tall blue box in the middle of the street I did not notice before. It looked like an old phone booth but said "police box" on it.

"Your friend was taken by the Master," He said
I panicked. I had seen enough Criminal Minds to know how this could end.

"If he hurts her...."

I was cut off by the British man. "The Master has done many things, but, based on my last encounter with him, I don't think his intent is one of harm." He said in a calm tone.

I was starting to shake from the cold and from fear. "Where did he take her?" I asked.

"Probably his mansion, he is so extra, so over the top." The man was now looking down, talking to himself more than me. Then his stunning eyes met mine, he slowly approached me. "You wish to find her?"

I nodded.

"Then come with me." His voice was smooth as silk. I could not just go with this strange man, but I must try to rescue my friend.

His hand was stretched out to me, and I glanced back at my home. "I'll go with you, but I need to be back by morning."

He smiled excitedly, "Brilliant!"

I took his hand, unsure if I was doing the right thing.

"Come along now." He said with a big smile as he opened the door of the blue box. Before I could protest getting in, he pulled me inside, and the door shut behind us.

I felt my heart skip a beat when I took in my surroundings; it was bigger on the inside!

The room was huge, there was a large tube in the middle with buttons, levers, and switches all around it. It looked like something from some strange Syfy movie.

The man rushed to a control panel and began to work. He glanced up at me. I was still standing in front of the door, in awe of what was before me.

"I know it's bigger on the inside." He laughed. "You'll get used to it."

My mouth was agape and I felt my knees going weak.

The man crossed the room to me. In a soothing voice, he said, "It's ok, you can back out now, darling, we have not left your planet yet."

I just stood there staring past him. I felt a light touch of his hand under my chin as he guided me to look at him.

"What is your name?" he asked sweetly.


"Well, Haven, you are quite brave, to come with me, now let's go find your friend." He smiled.

"Who are you?" my voice came out in almost a whisper.

He took my hand and led me to the center of the room, stating, "I'm the Doctor."

Written by L.D.

The One Who Pulls The Strings (Doctor Who Regenerated)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt