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A week has passed since Tiffany moved into Taeyeon's penthouse.

The two keep mostly to themselves and never actually talk aside from greeting or asking whether they've eaten or rest well—and that's only when they happen to come across each other.

After resigning from her job in the States, Tiffany is currently unemployed and because she's still unsure whether it's okay with Taeyeon's parents if she finds a job in Korea, she stays at the penthouse most of the time, or go out to shop or meet with some old friends. None of them knows about her current living condition, of course, even though they're aware of her parents' bankruptcy. She tells them that she's back in the country to become a moral support for her parents and will find a new job soon.

The only person she now considers a friend who knows of her complicated situation is the cleaning ahjumma. And from her, she also learns bits and pieces about Taeyeon.

The young woman isn't as evil as she thinks she is, if she is to believe the ahjumma's words. Then again, the ahjumma doesn't exactly tell her much so she hasn't changed her mind about Taeyeon and her family.

One thing she now knows for sure is that the player and workaholic labels Taeyeon has were given for a reason. The woman would get up early to go to work and come home very late, even on weekdays. She also notices the sporadic appearance of a packet of cigarette on the kitchen counter and used wine glasses—complete with lipstick marks—and an empty wine bottle or two.

She's about to fix herself some breakfast this morning when she again sees the same cigarette pack next to an empty wine bottle, two bottles of beer and used glasses.

This is so unhealthy, she thinks as she gingerly lifts the cigarette pack, scrunching her nose in disgust.

But who is she to tell Taeyeon how to live her life? She's grateful and relieved that the woman is letting her have so much freedom and not make her do anything crazy so she doesn't want to push her luck by being nosy or preachy.

She sighs and starts to clean up, putting the empty bottles in the bin and the dirty glasses in the dishwasher. I hope there's no used condoms lying around. Ew. Gross. But then again, she's not into men so there should be none.

Suddenly, she hears the faint sound of something falling to the ground and it seems to come from the bathroom on the first floor.

"Ahjumma?" she calls out as she goes to the bathroom. Although she hasn't seen her—she woke up late thanks to a drama marathon last night—she assumes that the woman is there since it's around the time when she'd arrive and start working.

"Ahjumma?" she knocks on the door. "Are you in there? Are you alright?"

The door opens and she steps back in surprise when Taeyeon comes out wearing pajamas and a pair of pink fuzzy slippers. Her hair is tied in a messy bun and she has no make-up on. This is very different from the neat and professional Taeyeon she has seen so far.

"Sorry," she quickly apologizes. "I thought it was Ahjumma. Is everything okay? I heard a thud."

"Dropped the shower head. No big deal," says the girl who sniffs and walks past her, heading to the kitchen.

For a moment, she's unsure what to do but slowly makes her way back to the kitchen to resume cooking.

Taeyeon notices the frying pan on the stove and the egg carton on the counter but says nothing. She opens the fridge, takes a swig from a bottle of water then goes to the other side of the kitchen to make coffee.

Cautiously, Tiffany takes out a bowl and a fork along with the milk, flour and the other ingredients she needs for her pancakes.

She can feel Taeyeon's eyes on her but chooses not to look at her or say anything.

We Found Love (TaeNy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora