WFL 23

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"I have something for you," says Tiffany in a sing song voice as she climbs onto the bed, making Taeyeon lift her head from the tablet in her hands.

"What do you have for me? Wait. Is today another important month?" Taeyeon furrows her brows, trying to remember. They are nearing their eighth month together but she's not sure whether they're supposed to celebrate it.

Tiffany shakes her head and sits next to her girlfriend with her hands hidden behind her back. "I saw it and thought of you." She takes out what looks like a box and shows it to Taeyeon. "Ta-da!"

"What is that?" Taeyeon asks, setting her tablet aside. "A bowl?"

"It's not just any bowl. It's a personal ice cream maker!"

"An ice cream maker is a machine, not a bowl. I should know. I have one." Taeyeon takes the box from Tiffany, scrutinizes the image printed on it and opens it. "Interesting," she mumbles as she takes out the stainless-steel bowl with a purple sleeve and starts reading the instructions.

"Not sure whether it will work but I think this will be fun to try over the weekend," Tiffany says. "We'd need to buy ingredients for the ice cream though. Let's go grocery shopping tomorrow."

Taeyeon watches her girlfriend getting off the bed, going to the bathroom to brush her teeth. She puts the bowl back inside the box, smiling at the cuteness and randomness of Tiffany's gesture.

When Tiffany comes back to bed after turning off the lights, Taeyeon turns towards her and just quietly observes the woman, feeling incredibly lucky that she's hers.

Soon enough, Tiffany feels the eyes on her and turns her head. "What? Can't sleep?"

"I love you," Taeyeon says in all sincerity.

Tiffany shifts, turning her body to face the other woman, and wraps her arms around her. "I love you too. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I have something to ask. I was gonna wait till tomorrow but I might not have a chance since we have to go grocery shopping and experiment with your weird ice cream bowl," teases Taeyeon, flinching when Tiffany pinches her. "One of my best and richest clients is going to throw a huge birthday bash at the club next Friday. Do you wanna come as my plus one?"

Tiffany raised her eyebrows. "Will there be press?"

"Not sure. There will be lots of amateur Instagrammers but probably just a couple of people from lifestyle magazines. These things don't usually get a lot of press. Mostly just a brief mention or two," says Taeyeon. "You don't have to come if you don't want to but I have to make an appearance."

"Hm..." Tiffany takes a moment to think since it's going to be their first official public appearance as a couple if she says yes.

"Sleep on it. You have a week to decide," Taeyeon finally says. "No rush, no pressure."

"Will your girls be there?"

"Um... some might," Taeyeon carefully answers. "He knows some of them so he might invite them, I don't know."

"Then I'll come," states Tiffany firmly.

"Are you sure?" Taeyeon inches closer to the other woman and absentmindedly starts twirling Tiffany's long hair around her fingers.

"Hell yeah. They are not going anywhere near you."

Taeyeon grins, flattered by her girlfriend's possessiveness. "They don't stand a chance, you know."

"I don't care. I want them to know that you're off limits and that you belong to me now."

"You're cute and I'm flattered." Taeyeon pecks Tiffany's lips. "So it's a date?"

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