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"Miss Taeyeon?"


"Miss Taeyeon?"

She slowly looks up from her phone then snaps to it when she sees her assistant standing in front of her desk with papers in her hands and a very confused look on her face. "Yes, sorry," she says, immediately locking her phone before setting the device aside.

"Are you feeling okay?" asks the young woman, observing her boss intently. She has never seen her in that state, smiling to herself while being totally absorbed in her phone. Taeyeon is usually always professional, always alert and serious.

"Yes. What is it you want?"

"These papers need to be signed."

She signs the papers, hands them back to the assistant and exhales. It's very uncharacteristic of her to be distracted at work and she hopes that she didn't look silly or slacking in front of her assistant.

Last night, she and Tiffany decided to go to Namsan mountain—where the N Seoul Tower is—on a whim because Tiffany said that she had never been there during the night. Taeyeon had never been there during the night either so off they went with Hojun.

The view was breathtaking but to Taeyeon, it paled in comparison with the beauty of the cheerful woman standing next to her.

Tiffany teased Taeyeon by taking a candid picture of the woman with her phone. "I'm gonna post this on Instagram," she said.

"Then it's only fair that I do the same," replied Taeyeon as she took a picture of Tiffany, then another and another... By the end of the night, she had at least ten pictures of her although she posted none.

Before she went to bed, she saw Tiffany's Instagram post which contained a photo of herself looking out at the city below with a simple two-word caption: "Thank you" and never felt that warm and happy before.

It was very unfamiliar and a bit confusing so she pushed all emotions aside and went to bed, thinking that she'd return to normal the next day.

She was wrong because the only thing she's been doing since she arrived at work is looking at the photos she took of Tiffany last night.

Her assistant walking in on her was the wakeup call she needed and she quickly gets to work, not touching her phone again unless she really has to.

Unfortunately, just when she starts to get into her normal rhythm, her phone signals an incoming message from none other than the girl that she's been trying to forget all morning.

"What are you doing?" it reads.

"Working. You should be doing that too," she replies.

"Bitchy boss is out of the country so everyone's all happy and free."

"I wonder whether my staff acts like you when I'm away."

"Depends. Are you a bitchy boss, Miss Taeyeon?"

Taeyeon unconsciously grins. "I'd like to think I'm not."

"Are you free for lunch?" asks Tiffany.

"Yes. Why?"

"Let's do lunch!"

"You're going to slack off today, aren't you?"

"I think you are a bitchy boss."

"Yah!" She sends her an angry cartoon character sticker and receives the same character sticker but in a different pose. This one is laughing while pointing a finger at her. "Say that again and lunch is a no go."

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