WFL 17

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Tiffany rushes out of the car and sprints inside the hospital, surprising the bodyguard who's standing right outside the car door. He hurriedly follows Tiffany, slowing her down then leading her to the waiting area.

She sees a woman hugging a young girl while her other two children sit next to her. They all look somber, scared and their eyes are red and swollen.

She turns her head and sees the tall figure that is Hojun, standing near a row of benches at the corner, where Taeyeon is sitting quietly, eyes staring emptily ahead of her. The brunette's shirt is stained with blood and so are her hands and chin.

"Taeyeon..." mumbles Tiffany as she runs towards her. She sits down next to her and hugs her.

Hojun has called her earlier and updated her on what happened. Taeyeon was in shutdown mode so he took the initiative to call Tiffany and tell her to come to the hospital, where his boss is waiting for the chef's surgery.

When she heard that the chef was shot, she was scared that Taeyeon was hurt too. Luckily, Hojun told her that Taeyeon was unharmed. The maîtres d' wasn't so lucky, sadly. He was killed on the spot along with a waitress.

Others were injured badly, one of them being the chef and Taeyeon's cousin. Both are in surgery now.

Most of the patrons are thankfully still alive. Those who got hurt only suffered minor, non-fatal injuries.

Hojun wouldn't tell Tiffany who was behind this but he said that the family knew and they were taking care of it. His biggest worry is Taeyeon because he knows how much the chef means to her.

Tiffany doesn't get any response from the woman in her arms but she senses her exhale when she tightens her arms around her and leans her head on hers. "I'm here," she whispers. "I'm here, Taeyeon."

They stay in that position until Taeyeon shifts, inching away from Tiffany. She looks at her and the latter can see the deep sadness and pain in her eyes.

Tiffany sighs and tucks Taeyeon's hair behind her ears. "He'll pull through," she tells her. "We just gotta believe in him."

Tears start brimming in Taeyeon's eyes and Tiffany quickly pulls her into her embrace for the second time, letting her cry on her shoulder.

Hours pass and they barely exchange words. Tiffany got Taeyeon a drink from the vending machine and tried to make her eat something but the girl refused.

When the doctor finally appears, the family and Taeyeon stand up, anxiously watching him.

"Mrs Oh Sungsin?" he looks at the older woman who starts to shake nervously.

The man gestures for her to sit down and he takes a seat next to her, leaning towards her.

Taeyeon and Tiffany watch him slowly tell the woman that her husband was shot in vital areas and that he had lost a lot of blood when he arrived at the hospital. The doctor then carefully delivers the bad news: he didn't make it.

The woman breaks down crying and her children quickly hug her, trying to comfort their mother while dealing with their own grief.

Taeyeon is also in a state of shock.

When Tiffany hugs her, she can't feel it. She can't feel anything.

Her world stops at the words "Unfortunately, he didn't make it."

Hojun springs into action, calling Taeyeon's assistant to come to the hospital to take care of the administration. Then he calls his colleagues, prepares a car which will always be on standby to help the chef's family and notifies Taeyeon's parents about what's happening.

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