WFL 12

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A few days have passed since Taeyeon got sick. Ahjumma kept her word and didn't tell the brunette who really took care of her all night. But she also didn't lie. She said that Tiffany called a doctor—a fact verified by Hojun—who gave Taeyeon medicine which helped her through the night.

Taeyeon thanked Tiffany for the prompt and effective action she took and the woman only replied with a smile.

Tiffany took one-day leave to accompany Taeyeon at home and it was just the two of them for the entire day. Taeyeon hadn't had that much fun since the last time she hung out with her roommate. Deep down, she regretted the fact that she had to keep her distance but it had to be done.

Unfortunately, Tiffany had to go back to work the next day and Taeyeon was left alone, bored out of her mind. That's why she also went back to work two days after the doctor's visit, despite Tiffany's objections.

When she comes home from work late that night—there was a lot to do because of her three-day absence—she finds Tiffany waiting for her in the kitchen, looking every unhappy.

"You're supposed to be recovering and not work so hard on your first day back," Tiffany says, frowning.

"I'm okay, Nurse," retorts Taeyeon as she goes to the kitchen to get a drink, Tiffany following her.

"I'm not your nurse," replies Tiffany.

"My CCTV recording says otherwise."

That surprises Tiffany. "Your what?!"

"I'm sure you know that there are cameras here," Taeyeon calmly says.

"Well yes but not in the bedrooms."

"There's one in my bedroom. I'd turn it on when I'm not at home for security reasons," admits Taeyeon. "It was off but Hyejin was coming so I turned it on again, just in case."

That surprises Tiffany. "You don't trust her?" she asks, temporarily distracted from the information about Taeyeon's CCTV recording.

Taeyeon shakes her head and opens the fridge. "Wow that's a lot of food," she says, surprised to see the stacks of plastic containers filled with side dishes.

"Ahjumma cooked up a storm today. She isn't happy that you're back to work so she wants you to eat healthily for at least the next week. No take outs," explains Tiffany, picking up a piece of paper from the counter. "Her note," she says, showing it to Taeyeon.

"I'll thank her later." Taeyeon sets the note aside after reading it and takes out the containers to choose what to eat tonight.

"Why don't you trust your girlfriend?" asks Tiffany.

"She's not my girlfriend."

"And yet she was one of the few people you notified when you were sick," Tiffany says, not bothering to hide her displeasure. "Even I didn't know."

"I had a lunch appointment with her that day so I had to cancel it. When she asked why, I told her honestly that I wasn't feeling well. She insisted to come over and I couldn't say no," explains Taeyeon, turning around to look at Tiffany. "I assumed that either Ahjumma or Hojun would tell you."

"I'd rather hear it directly from you. If you consider me your friend, that is."

"I do and noted, I'll tell you directly next time." Taeyeon closes the fridge and goes to the cabinet to take out plates and bowls. "Choose what you want to eat," she says, pointing at the plastic containers on the counter. "Consider it my way of thanking you for taking care of me."

Taeyeon waits on Tiffany hand and foot that night, preparing the food, drinks and always making sure that Tiffany has everything she needs.

"I have a question," Tiffany says later on, when they're sitting on the couch watching TV while sharing a pint of ice cream.

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