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She feels her breath on her neck and notices the weight of her head on her shoulder increasing, a clear sign that the girl is slowly falling asleep.

Did I tire her out already? But we didn't do much and the night is still young.

"Hey," she softly whispers as she places a kiss against the girl's head. "Are you really that tired?"

But the only response she gets is the girl nuzzling her face further against her neck.

She's about to pat the girl's back to try to wake her up when the penthouse elevator doors open and there stands the last person she wants to see right now: Tiffany.

The brunette is frowning and has her arms folded across her chest, clearly not happy with what she's seeing.

Taeyeon carefully steps out of the elevator with her arms still around the girl, keeping a cool, nonchalant expression on her face.

"I can't believe you," states Tiffany in annoyance. "I thought you promised not to do this anymore. I thought this was behind us."


"How long has she been sleeping? She's going to wake up in the middle of the night at this rate."

"She fell asleep in the elevator just now so I think she'll sleep all through the night," Taeyeon says, hoping to defend herself and what she did. "She's fine, Fany. I can guarantee it. She's just full and a little tired."

Tiffany sighs. "She better be fine or you are sleeping on the couch for a month."

"She's fine. I'll get her to bed," replies Taeyeon as she makes her way towards the stairs.

"Careful," Tiffany can't help but say when she watches her wife slowly going up to their room while balancing the girl in her arms.

"I got her," mumbles Taeyeon.

Tiffany exhales in relief when Taeyeon has safely reached the top of the stairs, and goes to the kitchen to get something to drink.

Five years into their marriage, the restaurant and farm they manage are thankfully doing okay although they're barely making any profit. But Taeyeon's savings and her share in her family's business keep them afloat and even enabled them to expand their family, adding that cute little girl who was snoozing in Taeyeon's arms.

They met her nearly two years ago when the restaurant took part in a charity event for disadvantaged children. At that time, this particular girl was living in the only orphanage on the island.

Taeyeon and the little girl hit it off and when the time came for them to say goodbye, the girl was on the verge of crying and so was Taeyeon.

She couldn't sleep that night and told Tiffany that she wasn't able to forget the little girl who tugged at her heartstrings so badly. They ended up staying up all night, talking about life with kids and how they used to think that they'd do fine without them.

"Just one," pleaded Taeyeon that night. "Just her."

"You want to adopt her after only spending a day together?" Tiffany asked.

"Yes. We clicked. We had chemistry. Didn't you see how we were? Plus, I want to give her a home and a life she deserves. I want her to have a happier childhood than the one she has now, than the one I had."

That discussion ended a few seconds later—sealed with a loving, sweet kiss on Taeyeon's lips, courtesy of her wife—and they agreed to go back to the orphanage the next day to get more information on the girl. Then after months of endless paperwork, plenty of hurdles and heartaches, with the help of Taeyeon's old lawyer, they finally became parents.

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