Chapter 19

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Anna opened and closed her mouth, blushing. She didn't know how to respond to that. Harry loved that his words had that effect on her, but he wasn't going to press on just yet.

"Fishing is long, boring and to make matters worse, I had to listen to my father talk all the time. He was either belittling me or trying to force me to follow his ways of life. He always says I'm lucky I have good inheritance otherwise I'd be nothing."

"That's awful."

"He always criticized anything I didn't do right. He wanted me to be perfect in everything including dancing."

"Dancing?" She smiled.

"Yes, I was a terrible dancer and my father made sure I knew that. But I was determined to get better, so I practiced a lot and got really good at it, I learned every new dance that came around. There was one that got me in trouble though, I learnt it from my Spanish friend. I taught a girl and we danced it at a party.... it was called foul and inappropriate. I was banned from the party and the girls reputation was ruined for a while."

"Goodness me! What sort of dance was it to cause such an uproar?" She asked.

"It's not as bad as the story sounds. In fact people are dancing it more often now, it's called a waltz."

He stopped puddling and said "I'll show you how it's done."

"Here?" She asked.

"Yes I'll demonstrate, it's not very complicated," he said standing up steadily. The boat wobbled a little as he tried to find his balance. Anna looked at him anxiously worried he'd fall in the water. He raised his hands carefully and positioned them on an imaginary dance partner.

"This is where the biggest controversy was. I held my dance partner quiet close with hands positioned like this, her body was literally rubbing against mine," he laughed, "it was her idea, I think she was trying to make someone jealous from what I recall," he said and continued, "then we moved around with a one two three step that I'd have to demonstrate on dry land."

Just as he was about to sit down, a small wave rocked the boat sending him flying in the lake.

"Dr. Walker!" Anna exclaimed worriedly. He emerged from the water shortly and clung to the boat. He pushed his hair back with one hand while the other held the boat.

"Are you alright?" She asked.

"I didn't see that coming," he smiled at her. She stifled a laugh. "You should have warned me," he said with mock anger.

"I was holding my breath the whole time you were standing because I thought...." She trailed off laughing.

Harry looked at her for a moment, he loved watching her laugh. He sunk down and swam a little farther from the boat.

"It must be cold in there," she said watching him float peacefully.

"It's actually nice, I haven't done this in years," he said staring up the sky. "I need to start coming here more often," he said and swam back to the boat.

When he tried to climb back in the boat, it tilted so low on his side throwing Anna in the lake. It happened so fast that he couldn't have stopped it. When her head emerged from water, she let out a terrified squeal. He could see panic and terror in her eyes. Her hands flailing desperately. He swiftly grabbed her hand and pulled her close.

"I've got you," he said, as she wrapped her hands and legs around him in fear. He put one hand on the boat and wrapped the other on her.

"You'll be fine," he said reassuringly. He had not even thought about her not knowing how to swim when he got her on the boat. After a few attempts, he managed to get her and himself back on the boat.

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