Chapter 30

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Nick and Rose where sitting in the back of the clothing store facing each other, Rose had summoned him urgently saying she needed to tell him something important.

"I went to see Adam." Rose started.


Rose paused for a long time.

"You slept with him! Oh my God you slept with him, why would you do that?" He stood up angrily.


"You know what, don't tell me anything, if you slept with him, just keep it to yourself, I don't want to know." He interrupted pacing.

"Did you really sleep with him?" He asked.

"No Nick, I did not sleep with Adam."

"Are you saying that because I told you to keep it to yourself?"

"No, I'm telling you the truth."

"Then what was with the long pause.... What are you not telling me?"

"It's over now between me and Adam."

"Oh, so it wasn't over before?"

"It was, but then when you asked me if I still loved him, I realized that I wasn't sure, so I had to go and see him."

"I knew it! I knew you were lying when you insisted that you were only going to stop him from telling Harry about us."

"He's not the kind to tell on someone. I know him very well."

"Of course, you do," Nick said sarcastically, "So how did you come to the realization that you two were over?"

"When I saw him and talked to him, I knew I still cared about him, but I didn't feel the same way, I think I was just jealous of what he has, .... children.... a wife that loves him.... I never had any of that from my marriage. I never had children and I was never loved." She paused for a long time. " I feel relieved to let him go though."

"Then why do you look sad?"

"I can't say I'm thrilled about it, the thought that everything I imagined my life to be is not how it's going to turn out is a little disappointing."

Nick moved close and squatted in front of her. "Life doesn't always turn out the way we want it to. And sometimes it works in our favor. Maybe better things are out there waiting for you. You are a feisty woman, you need a man that can challenge you, Adam would have probably bored you to death." He grinned hopefully.

"Nah. I'm not getting involved in any serious relationship again, love is just a one way ticket to a heartbreak,"  she said and stood up. She pulled her breasts out of her dress. "Are we doing this or not?"

She asked.

Nick hesitated, he wanted to have a real conversation, with her. Make her believe in love again, even if it wasn't with him, but my God those breasts were beautiful, it felt like the first time each time he saw them. He got up and kissed her and slept with her.


For the next feel weeks Anna and Harry stuck to the rules. They meet at Anna's cabin every night, Harry completely abandoning his bed until Christine noticed.

'Dr. Walker hasn't been sleeping in his bed lately,' she had said.
Anna then prompted Harry to start leaving his bed with signs of someone having slept in it. They'd make love on some nights and other nights they'd just talk and cuddle. He didn't care about the size of the bed or how thin her mattress was. He was sore after the first few nights but knew Anna would object any improvements.

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