Chapter 3

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[Deerscar's POV]

My kits had already grown a bit since they had been born. Loveheart's kits had not grown much, but they were not even half a moon old yet. My kits were at least half a moon old, but it still did not clearance much. All the kits were tiny, but we protected them. 

Loveheart had given birth to three kits, one tom, and two shecats. They quickly got protected by the older kits, and I was rather happy to see Twistedkit coming out of her shell a bit more. She would come lay with me whenever she got bored still, but sometimes she would pester the older kits until they let her play with her. 

I could still hear the older queens talking about Twistedkit when she was not in the nursery. I pinned my ears back not liking it when they talked about her in a harsh way. She needed to grow up knowing that people cared about her and approved of her choices, but it seemed like neither of them thought that way at the moment. 

"I will talk to Tinystar when the time gets closer. I don't think Twistedkit should be out in the territory having to learn to fight when she is like that. I don't care what she thinks, she should only be a medicine cat when she can hardly walk properly!" Burninghope hissed in a hushed tone. 

The mother made me furious at times. How could she not even care about her own kit's opinion on the matter. "Don't talk about her life if she is not here to decide. She has an opinion, and it is just as valid as yours. If you don't respect her opinion, then why should she respect yours?" I lashed my tail, and despite being curled up around my kits, I still raised myself a bit to the other female. "You could be signing her up for a life that she does not want. How would you feel if Bluesnow said you would be a medicine cat and did not care for what you said?" 

Burninghope pinned her ears back at me talking back to her. I could not entirely tell if it was because I talked back, or if it was because I had mentioned her deceased mother. Bluesnow would have never forced someone to do something they did not want, and I didn't even know the female. I only knew of her, but I knew she was a kind soul. 

Roseeyes stepped in front of her sister. "You have no right to talk to us that way. Burninghope can do what she pleases with her kits, and you can stay out of our business. You may be a queen, and we may have been welcoming to you in the beginning, but don't forget you are still a traitor to the clan, no matter how much everyone despises Tinystar. None of us want to die, because some of us have loved ones, unlike you." She hissed fiercely at me. 

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