Chapter 16

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[Lightningstrike's POV]

I didn't know why, but I couldn't get Emberbreeze out of my head. When I had left for the gathering, she gave me a smile that melted my heart. I had never been that affected by a shecat before. I was used to having that affect on the others, but I had never felt it myself. It was what made me so desirable by the other shecats. I had to shake her out of my head, but as I walked into the camp after the gathering, I saw her sitting and waiting. She had a small smile, but it made me melt. 

I had to get rid of this feeling somehow. She made me nervous, yet excited to see her. She had never made me feel like this before, and I had never experienced it before. I felt confused, and I just wanted to wait this feeling out. There was no reason for me to say anything about it to her. She would just tease me for my feelings. 

I offered her a small nod, giving her a smile in return. She trotted over to me, but I could see the droop in her eyes. She was tired, but it seemed like she stayed up just to see me come back. Stop that. She didn't stay up for you. 

I would not be some lovesick tom just because she smiled at me. I refused to be one. it could only end up in pain. We were living our lives by each day, just hoping that we would be able to make it to the end of the next day. If something ever happened to me, I wouldn't want to hurt her. Caring for someone in this kind of world made you weak, it gave Tinystar someone to torture until you do what she says. 

I would not be a puppet in this place. I would care for her, but I would not show it. I wouldn't even tell her that I cared for her, until I knew I would be able to. I didn't want us to get hurt together. I would never stop blaming myself if she got hurt because of me. 

"How was the gathering?" She asked as she got to my side. I looked over to Tinystar as she stomped off to her den. I found it funny when her own daughter stood up to her, but no one said anything about it. 

"By her reaction, you can tell something happened." I whispered back, trying to keep back a laugh. The four apprentices that had came with us, all hurried off to the apprentice's den, Acornpaw leading the bunch. 

"What happened?" She asked, but I did not explain in words. I just nodded over to Acornpaw. If I said that Tinystar had been bested by her own kit, I was sure to get injured somehow. Acornpaw had shown a lot of spite during the gathering, but I knew it would come back to bite her eventually. I just hoped it wouldn't be too soon. 

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