Chapter 6

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[Snowingblaze's POV]

"Duskstar, please. I don't want to fight with MapleClan. I may live here, but my family is there." I pleaded with my mate. I had to convince him somehow, but I had no clue how. The battle between our clans seemed so destined to fight. 

He looked at me like I had asked for something impossible. "You left your family when you came here!" He spat, his fur bunching up in places. "Venomstar wants a war, then I will give him a war. Do you want our kits to starve? Do you want to see our elders die? The ones that have been here when the tyrant took over as well?" He seemed angry about all of it, but his eyes softened as he looked at me. 

I stepped closer, taking my time. I did not need him to lash out at me. "Let me talk to Venomstar. I am still his sister, and I know he cares about me. I can reason with him in a way you cannot." I spoke softly, my ears pinned back. 

I took a risk, and one that cause me a lot of damage. With everything that had been happening our relationship had been strained. If I stepped out of line now, I could risk the only relationship I've ever had. I would be stuck with two kits, who had already become warriors, but with no loving mate. I had to be careful here. 

I did not even know if Venomstar would listen to me. I may be his sister, but he had never listened to anyone in the first place. He didn't have the clan strength to fight this battle, but yet he was still trying to fight. I wanted to save his clan before it got wiped out, and I didn't want anyone in my clan to get hurt. 

"Snowingblaze, he won't listen. I talked to him, I tried to reason with him. He will not listen to anyone." Duskstar did not meet my eyes. His ears flicked in the same way when he lied. He didn't do mousedung. 

I shook my head. I had to choose my battles, but I also could not risk my whole life on this. I would not risk it all. I now had gotten myself into an awkward situation where I could see all of my family die. I pinned my ears back and looked away from my mate. 

"As you wish, my leader. I will not bring it up again." It was what he wanted to hear. I had always been his obedient mate who did not lash out. He had sneaked away from his clan for the sake of the better good, now I would do the same but save both of our clans. I just had to act fast before the first battle started. If this war had a start, then there would be no way that I could ever put a stop to it. I would have to leave before the gathering. 

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