Chapter 4

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[Maplesnow's POV]

I took Acornpaw out to train. Ever since she had joined our side, she had been a lot more willing to do stuff with me. It was almost like she didn't want to be seen as only the leader's kit for much longer. I could see her growing into a stronger version of her mother, but this time good. I just wished that there could be someway to save my sister, but I feared she was too far gone to save. 

"So, what are we learning today? I need to be able to fight if you want my help in all of this." The female looked at me and blinked her eyes innocently. I knew she planned on coming with us to fight at the end of the three moon waiting period, but I still didn't like the idea of someone so young joining us. I would rather her and the others be safe, but I knew I couldn't stop her. She was just as headstrong as her mother. 

"Do you really want to be there on that day? There will be so much blood spilled, and you will have to watch your own mother die. Are you ready for all of that to happen?" I asked her knowing what would happened. I would defend Witheredsoul with my life, but he would be the one to face Tinystar. He had the nine lives, so it would have to be him. 

Acornpaw paused for a moment. Her tail flicked still. I could see that she had not truly thought about what would happen at the battle. She knew we would take down her mother, but I feared that she thought like Witheredsoul. Somehow Tinystar could live and be transformed, but she had been so corrupted at this point. There was no turning back for her. 

"I don't want to see her die. No matter what, she is still my mother." She spoke softly, but when she turned her head to me, I saw the fire in her eyes. She shared that with her mother, that she could look innocent, but she was ready to fight. "But, I will not sit back and let all of you fight for my future. It is my future, so I need to have a say in it." I almost snickered at her comment. She was brave, but foolish at times. "If you fight for me, then I will fight for myself. I will fight for my sibling, I will fight for all the other apprentices and the kits, because I will be looking out for all of us." 

As she went silent, I could have pointed out that it was my future I would be fighting for as well, but I stayed quiet. I saw her point. She had grown up in a world full of darkness, she should be one of the ones to break that darkness for the ones that were currently growing up as well. Acornpaw, you could make a lovely leader one day. 

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