Chapter 7

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[NIghtpaw's POV]

I woke up to the sunrise. I did not even realize that I had slept for so long. My sister stirred in her sleep, but she stayed asleep. She had two days to decide what side she wanted to be on when all of this went down. I knew that she wold chose the right side, but I still feared for all of us. It felt like we were reliving something that had happened moons ago when we had not even been born yet. 

I shook my fur and got up. I had to find someone who might know the secrets that I shared with my sister. The fears that we were reliving something that was a lot bigger than all of us. The only cat that I could think of talking to was Cheetahpelt. I always went down to him when I got confused about this all. This time, I wanted straight answers from him, and quick. 

I slipped down into the prisoner den and nudged the sleeping tom lightly. "Cheetahpelt, wake up. I want to talk about something." I waited for the tom to wake up before continuing. "I want to know more about Nightmoon and Spokenstar. I want to know what they went through when they were still alive, and I want to know why I was named after Nightmoon, along with my sister." I laid down what I wanted to hear and looked at the tom. 

Cheetahpelt gave a small chuckle meeting my gaze. "I never thought Nightmoon would have talked to someone like that. I can see her in you, the way your eyes shift to another shade ever so slightly, the way you are always following your sister's footsteps, but also willing to step out for certain cats. I am glad you are starting to realize who you are again. Come sit, and I will recount all that I know, but you should be able to remember most of it. Flamefur named you two after Spokenstar and Nightmoon, because you are the reincarnations of them. You share their memories, their personalities. I was one of the few that knew what had been happening when she gave birth." Cheetahpelt tapped his tail next to his side. 

I stood in shock for a moment. I had been connected to the great leading duo. I had the memories of someone that had once been the greatest influence to this clan. I looked at the spot next to Cheetahpelt, and sat next to him. I had heard the stories before, but I wanted to hear them again from him. I wanted to see what my former self had gone through, and what I can learn from the past. 

I listened to him as the older tom went on about how Bloodtear had taken the Dark Forest to fight against Spokenstar and Nightmoon. I learned how they banded together against the greater evil, but they also relied on Flamefur. I learned how Flamefur had been the only one to know that they were going to die, and how she kept the secret. 


Forgot to update yesterday, so you will get two updates back to back. I got a little busy working on some stuff and it completely slipped my mind. 

Anyways, the five year anniversary gift is almost complete, and I hope you all stick around to see it. I also have a writing discord server for my series, plus anyone else's that you want to announce. is the link, but you can dm me if you want it as well. Hope to see you all around 

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