Chapter 25

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[Cheetahpelt's POV]

I missed my family. I spent all of my time in this hole that I got to think about all of them. I missed the stories that Shadow used to tell us about how she had grown up, and how she had grown up in SmallClan. She always seemed so happy to tell the stories about how she met Brown and Mud. I wished that I had met them. 

I missed Flamefur and Tigerstripe's constant arguing. I missed it when they would get in trouble for scaring everyone else away from us, but they had been trying to keep us safe since we had been dropped at five moons old. I missed Silverstar, even if I hardly got to see him. He and Bluesnow had always been the glue to the family. They made sure we were at peace, and had always taken the smart options. 

I curled up in a ball, feeling my own pelt get wet. I wanted my family back, but I knew it was not my time to leave yet. I still had some family in the camp, and someone had to pass down stories of how Flamefur had become a leader at one point. I sniffled as I heard someone coming down the tunnel. 

I looked toward the entrance expecting Nightpaw to be coming down to talk about Nightmoon and Spokenstar again, but I was pleasantly surprised when I saw Creamspots in the entrance. I moved toward the back of my hole, just trying to make room for her. Creamspots reminded me of Bluesnow a lot. They both always wanted to help out someone. 

"Cheetahpelt, can I talk to you about something?" My daughter asked, but I heard the hesitation in her voice. 

I flicked my tail against the dirt motioning for her to come sit next to me. "Of course my sweet. You can always talk to me, even when I am dead." I whispered to her. As she came closer, I wrapped my tail around her.

Creamspots opened her mouth, then closed it again. Finally, she spoke. "I think I have feelings for Swirlpool, but I know I can't have a mate. I want to break the code to be with him, but I know I shouldn't. What should I do?" She seemed panicked with her feelings. 

I let out a purr and nuzzled her side. "Sometimes, the code is worth breaking for someone. Do you think any of us actually followed all of the code? No, Bluesnow broke it to be with Embercloud. Flamefur was just Flamefur. Silverstar broke the code so many times in order to keep us safe, while I broke it too when I let them cast Tinystar aside. The code is meant to be broken at times, but think of the consequences that you may suffer if you break the code." I assured her. 

She rested her head on my shoulder. "I don't think I can be a medicine cat anymore if I became mates with him." She whispered, heartbroken. 

"I will keep the secret." I purred to her. 

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