Chapter 13

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[Acornpaw's POV]

As my mother hissed at Brokenpaw, something just broke inside me. She really just made a whole commotion because some cat needed some help to speak. I could see Witheredsoul staring down at me, almost silently shaking his head. I knew what he was telling me, but I wasn't going to listen now. Someone had to stand up to my mother, and I had been raised to stand up to anyone that had a different opinion than me. 

I stepped in front of Brokenpaw, shielding her from my mother's gaze. Thankfully, she was smaller than me, so I could shield her easily. I stared up to my mother, seeing the same fire in her eyes that sparked in mine. She wanted to see what she had raised, then I would show her. I would fight against her on this, just one small victory was all I needed. 

"Defective you say? I see this as an improvement. It is something that she can overcome with the help of friends, and I say that this makes her unique. It makes her beautiful in her own way. You raised me to never go down without a fight, to always stand up for what I believe in. Well, I believe that you should not put others such as Brokenpaw below you. You should work with them, because you can get a lovely friend out of it." I hissed loud enough to let the whole clearing know. 

My eyes flicked to Witheredsoul and Maplesnow. They both stood in shock, but I could swear I saw an approving smile on Witheredsoul's face. I had stood up to my mother, and I would not back down from this. I could show everyone how she treated us at the moment, I could show which side I truly belonged to, but I saw her back down almost. 

"Acornpaw, move out of the way. You do not to defend foxdung like her. She doesn't even deserve to have a name." Tinystar hissed back at me, her voice trying to soften to make me believe her. She had raised the wrong kind of kit if she thought that I would side with her. 

I shook my head, staying in front of Brokenpaw. I knew if I moved, then she would get hurt. I would not allow someone else to get hurt because of my mother. She had already caused so much pain to everyone. She had taken away parents from kits, she had separated siblings from their loved ones. Someone had to put a stop to it. "Why should I move? Why should I move when I know that you might kill her if I do? Go back to the other leaders and leave us be here." I stared back at her, letting her know that I would not lose this battle. 

"Why are you acting out all the sudden? You always followed in my footsteps! Just listen to me now. Someone like her should not be able to become a warrior." Tinystar continued to hiss. 

Warriors: Blood and Hope: Book 2: Tempting LimitsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant