Chapter 22

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[Wolfpaw's POV]

I noticed that Maplesnow came back with the group of apprentices he had taken with him, but Witheredsoul and Acornpaw were no where to be seen. I almost sighed in relief. I did not like Acornpaw, and I didn't like her even more that there were stories going around about her. I found it horrible that they would do such a thing. At least Goldpaw would shut up about her for a little bit. Ever since the stories came out, she was all he would talk about. I found it gross.

"Wolfpaw! Get out here now!" I heard Nightscare call for me but he seemed angry about it. I rushed out of the apprentice's den and looked at my black furred mentor. He seemed panicked. His fur was all rustled, and it did not set back to where it should. His ears did not stop flicking, and his tail kept brushing against the dirt only making him more dirty. 

"What happened?" He stayed silent for a moment, his eyes wide and watching. It almost seemed like he was in shock. We had started to get some cats looking at us. "Nightscare, weren't you saying how I needed to work on my hunting crouch? Let's go work on that." I quickly said before going to the tom's side and nudging him along to the camp exit.

Whatever he needed to tell me had to be serious. I pinned my ears back as I stayed by his side. I had not even gone on the path to the training grounds since I assumed that Acornpaw would be there, but I instead lead him down toward Haunted Hallow. 

Once we got to Haunted Hallow, I looked at my mentor again. His eyes were no longer so wide, but he still looked shocked. "Nightscare, talk to me. It's me, Wolfpaw. You can trust me." I whispered to him. I felt the cold breeze against my pelt and jumped. Maybe going to the place that seemed haunted was not the best place, but I had to try. 

He stayed quiet for a moment, but eventually his eyes rested on me. "Creamspots had a dream. She talked to me about it since she didn't want to concern you, but I had to tell you. She thinks that Leafpaw might be pregnant, if her dream if correct." His words did not seem real to me. I had to be hearing things. 

"Leafpaw? Pregnant?" I reiterated, just trying to make sure I was hearing things. 

Nightscare gave a short nod. "Creamspots saw a battle happening, but also saw your sister giving birth during all of it. She couldn't have been much bigger than she is now, so Creamspots assumed it had to be soon." 

I still couldn't believe it. There was now some kind of battle that would be going on while my sister gives birth. "But, there are no battles happening! The leaders all promised peace during leafbare!" I hissed. I didn't want to lose my sister. Despite everything, I loved her. 

Nightscare curled around me, almost to keep me warm, but also to be there for me. "She saw snow. One of them lied, or something else will happen. I don't know. She didn't tell me anything else." 

I pinned my ears back and buried my head into his shoulder. I didn't want Leafpaw to die, but Creamspots said if she got pregnant now, then she would most likely die. 

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