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The clans started their secret rebellion, waiting in the shadows for their time to strike. None of them new exactly when they would strike, but looked to Witheredsoul for guidance. Acornpaw had stepped up to lead the rebellion beside him, but they still had Cricket working in the shadows for them. 

All the clans were following the lead of Witheredsoul, except for SmallClan. The group of leaders needed to figure out how to take over SmallClan as well, but they could figure that out at a later time. For the time being, they had to figure out how to keep all the clans rebelling a secret. It seemed like an impossible task for the group of three, but they were learning to rely on each other more and more. 

Cricket stayed in the shadows, watching for his friends. He sneaked through the forest before stopping near the SmallClan camp. He flicked his tail around his paws as he narrowed his eyes at the camp. He had been tasked with the job to find a suitable leader. He needed someone that would follow along with their plans, and someone that is not afraid to stand up. 

As he looked over the camp, he noticed the one apprentice, Brokenpaw, talking to one of the warriors. He perked his ears up more remembering that Brokenpaw was not intended to be a warrior, but one of the warriors stood up and took her as their apprentice against the leader's will. He gave an amused purr. He had found his potential leader, but he would have to learn more about the female. 

He watched the dark brown shecat as she talked to the grey apprentice. He needed to learn her name, and he needed to make sure that she could continue to stand up against the Dark Forest. He knew if they put her in a place of power too soon, then it could easily show that there was a group of cats rising up, but he hoped that they would be able to think of enough lies to save everyone's pelts. He would be the only one safe, as he was the only loner. 

He thought back to what Acornpaw had told him before he had left for the night. He had started to sound like a clan cat more and more. He had been spending a lot of time with Witheredsoul, and he started to hang out with Acornpaw more as well. The young cat had a lot of spunk to her, but she needed some guidance in the world. He had seen a lot of it so far, though he was only around thirty moons old. 

He thought back to Witheredsoul. He had been enjoying the time with the black and white tom. Witheredsoul made him feel safe even though he was suppose to be the one protecting Witheredsoul. He had the muscle and strength to protect the smaller tom, but he felt like he would be doing more of the protecting in the future. 

Warriors: Blood and Hope: Book 2: Tempting LimitsWhere stories live. Discover now