🏠|Chapter 24|🏠

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The girl sighed as she tightened the strap underneath the pony. This was her first time back on him after a year. The vet said he'd be fine to ride just no obstacles and leave the obstacles for the bigger horse for at least another year or two.

The young girl breathed out deeply and patted the pony's side and hosted herself up on the saddle and leaned forward, whispering in Peanuts ear- "o-ok-okay boy, l-let's g-g-give t-this a g-g-go."

The pony snorted and Jace smiled, rubbing his side and unclipping the rein holder and had Peanut steadily walk out. She will run him eventually. She wants to take it slow.

"I-if th-thi-this hu-hurts o-or i-is u-uncom-uncomfort-uncomfortable, t-t-tell m-me Peanut." The auburn creature snorted and Jace giggled, snapping the reins gently and peanut began to trot slowly.

Jace knew how hard it was to recover from something. So she never once rushed him. Jace knows first-hand the hardness to fully healing. Peanut was a survivor, though, and so was she.

Peanut almost had to be put to sleep due to his injuries. His leg was sprained so bad the vet said it might of been broken in some parts. And then Jimin let her know the news that Peanut may need to be put down. But Jace had faith in her old pal. She knew he could make it.

And here Peanut is. He's trotting through the field now and having no issue with his leg. It took him a year for his leg to get better, like it took Jace to get better and learn to re-walk again.

Nobody believed Jace when she said she'd get Peanut back to health even if it means quitting everything she's doing. Yes, Jeongguk did help out because that's his daughters animal---her pride and joy for gods sake. He couldn't sit back and watch her bust her ass for an animal and not help.

"G-go-good b-boy Peanut!" Jace cheered, having the pony gallop and soon a gallop turned into a full on run.

Her father watched from a distance, his lips pursed with a sly grin. He always knew Jace could do it- he just never expected Peanut to be able to. But hey, two broken souls make one great one.

"I see she's made progress with that old animal," Alan declared, walking up next to the younger. Jeongguk hummed, "yeah. It's impressive, honestly. I knew she could do it... It's just, Peanut, her pony--he's in his later teens, and well... that's old for a horse."

Alan nodded, "yeah, sure is. But he looks healthy and strong and looks as if he's a old soul but in a young body." Jeongguk nodded- "also, that little girl of yours did a lot of that."

The younger breathed in and looked at Alan- "I know, she's awesome-" "really, though. I've never seen a broken legged pony make it this far within a year. It's magic."

Jeongguk laughed, "sure is."

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