º chapter two º

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"Hey Sunset! Meet today in front of the statue with the others! AJ told me to text you." - Twilight

Sunset grinned, and replied, her musty morning vision not letting her see half the screen. She leapt out of bed, slightly less enthusiastic than the day before. She didn't have anything to especially look forward to today, but she still got dressed and ready all the same.
She left the house reasonably early compared to usual time, before making a return trip to her house as she had forgotten her guitar, which she would be needing in her music class today.
Sunset promptly got to school to find a smiling Twilight awaiting her arrival. "Hiya Sunset!" the girl waved.

"Hey! Where are the others?" Sunset asked, checking her watch. She wasn't particularly early.

"They went inside, near the cafeteria, but I wanted to wait for you," Twilight explained with a smile that could almost be passed as suspicious.

"Ok...." Sunset said in a questioning tone. She followed Twilight inside and, like she said, the others were chatting by the cafeteria.

"Hey Sunset!" Rainbow greeted her, and the other girls waved. Sunset and Twilight both smiled and approached the group. As Sunset stood next to where she was sitting, Dash suddenly jumped up and slung her bag over her shoulder.

       "Guys me and Sunset are going to music class. See ya later!" Rainbow Dash said, without evening taking a second thought. Sunset waved at the girls and was forced to follow Dash.... until she no longer knew where she was going.

       "I take it you enjoy music?" Sunset asked. Rainbow did seem to be in a hurry after all. She glanced at her.

      Rainbow nodded, "I guess." And said nothing more. Sunset narrowed  her eyebrows as she watched the girl walk proudly into the classroom, her messy rainbow mane getting tangled in the zipper of her bag. She shook her head. What was it about her? What was it about Rainbow Dash that made Sunset so damn curious.

         She set her guitar against the back wall and lounged on the table. The rules were relaxed in the 'arts' type classroom, so it was always a treat. Rainbow Dash joined her, and they ended up leaning against each other as they waited for the profesor.

      "Ok everyone! Welcome back. Today we will be working on your own composed pieces, and... oh— New student?" the profesor smiled. Rainbow gave a small nod and a wave, bluntly stating her name as the entire class turned to face her.
       "Nice to meet you, Rainbow Dash. Sunset Shimmer is bound to help you out round here while you learn the ropes," he nodded, and Sunset nudged her friend in reassurance. The class began and everyone got settled. Some working on computers, some singing in the practice rooms, and some with their own instruments, like Sunset who was tuning her guitar. Conversations were quietly scattered around the room.

       "So what kinda music do you like?" Rainbow Dash asked, trying desperately to start a conversation. When she spoke, she looked Sunset dead in the eye.

      "Uhhh, a lot. I'm trying to write more of my own songs though..." Sunset laughed nervously. She didn't know why, but she just didn't feel as comfortable with Rainbow Dash as with her other friends, or anyone for that matter. Sunset would always seem to catch herself losing her trail of thought during a conversation with Dash, or hopelessly staring for no reason. It didn't make sense, and she blamed it on the assumption that Rainbow was messing with her mind...
      But then she looked again, and saw the smirk of the girl in front of her, and couldn't help but smile.

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