º chapter fourteen º

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It was Tuesday. A weird day really. Tuesday wasn't ever a favourite. This morning, for some reason, all seven of the girls were up and at school early... or earlier than usual. Sunset and Dash joined their group as they arrived at the school.

    "Hey guys! You look pretty drained, no offence..." Pinkie giggled.

    Sunset pressed her hand against her forehead, "Yeah, just... a lot on my mind," she halfheartedly laughed. She then looked around to notice that Twilight wasn't actually there.

    "You guys seen Twilight?" Rainbow asked. Everyone shook their head. The bell rang and a herd of students clattered the halls. Sunset walked to her locker and got her biology book out. She would have had a double science period with Twilight, but the girl haddent made an appearance... yet.

     The whole ordeal was still shocking, and Sunset, Dash, and Applejack couldn't think of any reasons as to why Twilight would do something like that. Sunset entered the classroom, and sure enough, the familiar navy-haired girl with glasses was sitting at her desk. Sunset opted to not greet her as she normally would, and took her seat. The lesson began.

Throughout the lesson, Twilight would constantly turn around to glance at Sunset. Sunset chose to not acknowledge it. She was so mad at Twilight, it really got to her. Sunset thought that if it had been anyone else... maybe she would have handled it better. But Twilight.

At the end of the double lesson, Sunset, Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy each had a free period. They met on the field. Twilight came too.

"Hey guys..." Rainbow smiled. Her smile slightly faded when she saw Twilight.
"Hi!" Sunset grinned, taking a seat on the grass. She stared at Twilight letting her mind wonder. Something was obviously going on with that girl, an mo matter how much she didn't want to, Sunset had to work things out.

"Twilight," Sunset began, getting Twi's attention, "We.. should talk," Sunset nodded to the back of the school and began to stand up, Twilight slowly following her. Rainbow looked worried, and Fluttershy just looked confused, but Sunset took Twilight in a quiet place where they could talk.

When they were out of sight, Sunset cleared her throat. "So, do you wanna start? Or should I?"

Twilight nodded, "You."

"Ok... all I wanna know, is why. I know, I left before you had a chance to tell me, but I can see something is obviously up, and you clearly aren't just feeling guilty, there's something else there. Why did you prank me... us... Twilight?" Sunset sighed, awaiting her response.

Twilight's eyes were shaking. She was actually frightened. All of this had ruined her friendship, with not only Sunset, but everyone, surely. She took a breath. "I do, I really do feel guilty. I know, there's no excuse for what I did, but... there is a reason..."

"Then tell me that reason!" Sunset said, beginning to yell. "What possessed you to make you think that you could—"

"Because I was jealous," Twilight yelled back. She shook her head, "I was jealous the minute I saw you falling for Dash. I know! I feel so bad for being like that! But I couldn't help myself... I... I just wished that things were the way they were. I mean, before Rainbow came, we would spend almost everyday after school and before school together. But heck, now you've got a girlfriend, and she's living in your house!"

Sunset was stunned. "So, are you saying that you like liked me then?"

"I still do.... I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not included you, abandoning you. I should have known. It makes sense, the texts meant for me to stay away from Dash..." Sunset scoffed. She reached in to embrace Twilight, who was still shaken.

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