º chapter three º

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      "So, what did you and Dash talk about then?" Applejack asked Sunset Shimmer. The two of them were out on the field, enjoying their hour of no lessons together.

     "Nothing much. Bell rang when we got outside anyway..." Sunset shrugged. AJ nodded. Something was looming between them, and the lack of conversation wasn't enjoyable. It was...boring. It was strange how different Sunset felt when she was in the exact same situation, but with Rainbow Dash. Even though she'd known Applejack for ever, and her and Dash only met the other day, Dash felt a lot closer than AJ... or anyone for that matter... ever did.

     "Ah know you're thinking about her...." Applejack grinned, before rubbing her temples.

    "What d'you mean?" Sunset asked, puzzled.

    "Ah know that you're thinking about RD...." AJ smirked, the continued after Sunset pulled another confused face,
"C'mon Sunset... you're bitin' yer lip, and grinning."

     Sunset looked at the ground. Was she really?
"I could be thinking of anything," she stated.

    "It's obvious ya took a likin' for her the second ah introduced her... Ah could tell," Applejack said, tapping the side of her nose. "But.. ah don't wanna talk about all this lovey stuff..." AJ sounded.... upset, in a way. Like, not worried upset, or crying upset... more angry, but not angry. It was hard for Sunset to get her head around.

Applejack glanced at her, "So?"

     "First of all, me and Dash are super happy as friends at the moment. And yeah, I think she's... y'know... pretty awesome, but I don't think of her as anything more," Sunset grinned, and AJ scoffed. At that moment, she wasn't sure whether or not she was being honest to herself... let alone Applejack. She continued, "And second, I wanna talk about 'all this lovey stuff' and I don't recall ever hearing about any of your interests, ever." Sunset grinned.

     "Mah interests?" Applejack repeated, and the other girl nodded. AJ smirked, "Girls."

     Sunset whacked her friend's arm playfully, "That's not what I mean! Anyone in particular?"

     AJ laughed, "Nah... not really. Why's ya so interested anyways?"

    Sunset pondered on that question. Why was she so interested? Applejack of all people? Sunset didn't care. She shouldn't care. She shouldn't be so nosy... so she just shrugged.

      And like that, the subject was changed. The two began to natter on about random rubbish... including how sponges are made... not quite knowing how they got on to that topic... but no further questions were asked.... and it wasn't long before the free period was over anyway. Sunset had a home ec class to get to.

By the time Sunset got to the school kitchens, the lesson had already started. The students were doing some theory work about nutrition. Sunset slung her back on the rack and took her seat next to Rarity, who quietly greeted her. Their teacher wasn't the nicest of women, so it was always best to keep quiet and not act up in her classes, and the students acknowledged that.

After just under an hour of writing, the bell finally rang, dismissing the students.

"See you tomorrow darling!" Rarity waved as she left Sunset trailing behind her. The red-yellow haired girl only needed to walk a few steps alone until she was jumped up on from behind. It was Rainbow Dash.

"Hey Sunset. How's it going?" Rainbow asked as the two headed down the corridor towards the main exit of the school.

"Yeah... it's ok. You?"

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