º chapter four º

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The pair of them gazed into the open sky, never having felt so... different. What they were unaware of was that both of them had a feeling, a mutual feeling. A feeling that couldn't be described, but something that they both needed to share, but couldn't. They didn't want the moment to end, but it was getting late. Sunset stomach growled, causing both girls to laugh.
      "I know it's kinda late, but do you wanna go get something to eat?" Rainbow suggested, rising from her comfortable position on the grass.
"I mean, sure! But won't your parents be worried if you're home late?" Sunset questioned, whilst being helped off the floor by her friend.
"Eh.... maybe? They'll call me if they need to," Rainbow shrugged and checked her watch. It wasn't late late, so shops would still be open. She helped a laughing Sunset Shimmer off the ground and pondered on where they should head off to. They released each others hands from their grip and started walking in the direction of the town.

Sunset panicked as they neared the shops, "Fuck... I haven't brought money..."

"Seriously? I'll pay, it's no big deal," Rainbow laughed. Sunset tried to protest but was interrupted several times.

As the girls approached the town they caught a glimpse of a food cart just outside the town. Since it was easier, they decided to head there. The smell of hot dogs was also luring them in.

The lady behind the stand greeted the pair warmly, "Evening girls! What can I get you?"

Rainbow looked at Sunset first, and nodded towards the little menu stand on the side. Sunset placed her order before Dash, and the two waited patiently.

"So, how's the day been for you guys so far?" the smiling woman asked.

"Great thanks! It's a nice evening to be out in the open air. How was your day?" Sunset replied, also smiling. Rainbow Dash knew for a fact that Sunset didn't personally know the lady behind the counter, and Dash admired how Sunset spoke to her as if they had been friends for years.

"Thanks!" Dash and Sunset answered in unison when they were given their food.

"My pleasure! Have a nice night!" the lady waved as the girls walked off together.

They ate as they walked, and not a word left their mouth as they devoured their delicious meal. They neared Sunset's house, since it was a shorter walk from the park compared to Rainbow's home. When they arrived, they bid their farewells.
"Thanks for walking me back, and buying me food... I will pay you back when I have the money tomorrow," Sunset chuckled.
"Don't worry about it. Oh and thanks again for coming out with me tonight. I needed it... I've had fun this evening!" Rainbow smiled brightly.
"Same here."
They stood their for a while, gazing into each other's eyes, without even realising it. Both wanted to say something more, but they were held back. Rainbow Dash finally broke the peaceful silence, waved and started heading off.
"See ya tomorrow Sunset!"
"Text me when you get home so I know you're safe!" Sunset smiled, crossing her arms. Rainbow chuckled at the protectiveness of her friend, and yet she knew all too well that Sunset was being serious.
Sunset entered her house; immediately changing and getting into the shower. She recalled the evenings events. Each time she thought about it made her stomach flutter. She got out and changed into some comfy pyjamas, and lolled on her bed. She didn't open the message on her phone, but smiled when she read the preview.
Dash: I'm home... XD Hope we can do something like tonight again sometime soon! :)
Sunset settled for the evening. There wasn't really much left for her to do that night except sleep. Plus, she had school tomorrow, because somehow, today was only Wednesday. She soon drifted off.


Thursday morning arrived. A normal school day was what was expected from the girls, which was probably what they were going to get. The students were expected to arrive earlier on a Thursday morning, since it was the day they usually had assemblies. Of course, the six girls (now seven, including their new member Rainbow Dash) had agreed to meet as per usual beforehand. It wasn't long before they all arrived at their usual meet up spot.
When Sunset arrived, she found Applejack causally leaning against the school statue, talking with Rarity; Fluttershy who was fiddling around in her backpack; Twilight head in a book; and Pinkie and Dash also talking. Yep. Nothing too exciting. She joined her friends.

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