º chapter eleven º

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       Soon enough, Rainbow and Sunset were happier than ever, and comfortable, to be living in each other's company, and it had only been around two hours since Dash had moved in to Sunset's place and she already felt at home.

      They settled for dinner and chilled for the rest of the evening watching Netflix together on the sofa.

     "I am.... so lucky to have you," Dash said to Sunset, who was clearly texting somebody. Her eyes were fixed on the screen.

     "You ok?" Dash asked. Sunset looked up.

   "Yeah yeah, I'm good. Just texting Twilight," Sunset smiled.

    "Oh, ok. What about?" Rainbow asked. She was curious as the Sunset was only usually this focused on texting if something bad had happened.

    "Just... school. Oh and Camp Everfree. It's in less than a month now by the way," Sunset grinned.

   Rainbow laughed, "Yeah, it's gonna be awesome!"

   "Definitely..." Sunset smiled back, then another message cam through, "Oh! And Twilight's offered to help with finding out who those anonymous texts are from!"

    "Oh, that's...uh... great!" Rainbow smiled. She wasn't so sure if it was the best idea to be telling people about the catfisher, because it could make things worse. Of course, Dash felt a little bad for the way she confronted Applejack, but telling more people could mean they get further away from finding out who it is.

    "Uhh, Sunset, if it's ok I kinda should get some sleep. It's been a... crazy day..." Rainbow laughed. Sunset suddenly leapt up off the sofa, where Dash would be sleeping.

    "Oh! Of course! Uhh... have a good night, and if you need anything just... come wake me up!" Sunset chuckled. Before she could leave the room Dash grabbed her arm.

    "Wait!" Rainbow said, before standing up and lightly kissing Sunset on the cheek, causing her to blush.

   "Goodnight!" Dash winked. Sunset laughed and went into her own sleeping area.

      Soon enough, no more sound could be heard in the apartment, expect for Dash's obvious snoring, of course.


      Monday arrived promptly, and all the students had pretty much had enough of work. Everyone was hyped about the upcoming trip to Camp Everfree, which was in less than a month.

      "Dash get up! School is in thirty minutes!" Sunset yelled from her room, where she was getting her school bag ready for the day.

    "Yeah, so than means fifteen minutes more of sleep...." Dash groaned.

     Sunset rolled her eyes and laughed, "Fine... I'll be waiting."
    Sunset pulled out her phone and plugged in her headphones. She pressed play on the song that her and Rainbow Dash had completed. It was so perfect and she was so proud. She couldn't stop listening to it. It had become their song.

    Dash was up and out of bed.... eventually... and not long after the girls were on their way to school.

    "So... Are we gonna tell the others about us?" Rainbow asked, "Apart from the fact that AJ already knows, thanks to my 'outburst' yesterday..."

    Sunset chuckled, "Applejack won't tell anyone, and we can tell the others whenever you're ready to. I know it's been a tough past few days so I'll give you time." Sunset and Rainbow exchanged glances. They arrived in time for the bell, and split up for classes.

º Better Together º - SunDash Where stories live. Discover now